標題: 動態逼近加權壓縮法:實作與分析
Adaptive minimum-redundancy coding over binary channel with unequal cost letters: implementation and analysis
作者: 蔡其寰
Chi-Huan Tsai
關鍵字: 資訊理論;資料壓縮;二元頻道;動態編碼;information theory;source coding;data compression;unequal cost;binary channel;adaptive algorithm
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 我們實作並分析了加權二元頻道上的動態壓縮演算法,實驗顯示在一般情況下我們的演算法確實能夠達到接近於理想值的壓縮比。
Abstract In this paper we consider the adaptive case of pre‾x-free coding with unequal letter costs. That is, given an alphabet with size n, and a binary channel with unequal cost digits, we try to construct a pre‾x-free code W adaptively. Our goal is to achieve or approximate minimum-redundancy a tree-based method can generate. Our experimental results show that generally our adaptive algorithms can construct codes with low redundancy. . Key Words: information theory, source coding, unequal cost, adaptive algo- rithm, binary channel.


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