Title: 一個具有調適性的網路錯誤偵測演算法
An Adaptive Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Communications Network
Authors: 王勇璋
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 網路管理;錯誤管理;錯誤偵測;系統偵錯;network management;fault management;fault detection;System-Level Diagnosis
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract:   網路技術的蓬勃發展,不同的傳輸媒介使得網際網路的使用愈來愈廣泛,隨著不同設備的汰換與更新,網路拓樸愈來愈複雜,不同的網路應用也逐漸成熟,使用者對於網際網路的依賴程度也逐漸加重,尤其是企業對於其資訊設備的運作相當重視,不同的作業平台、連結方式,使得網路的管理亦趨複雜,錯誤的發生亦不再單純侷限於網路設備的問題。故,在這樣的架構下,網路管理(network management)機制中之錯誤管理(fault management)便顯得相當重要,藉由錯誤管理機制,將可提高網路整體效能,並藉由某些特徵的表現解決可能或已經發生的網路問題,以提高網路的存活率。
  因此,本研究擬先就現有的錯誤偵測(fault detection)機制,並以系統偵錯(System-Level Diagnosis)為基礎,來改良網路管理中一旦發生錯誤之連結偵測問題並調適現有偵錯方式,最後,藉由模擬及驗證的方式並實作所改良之演算法,來比較其執行效能及效率,可以得到,我們所提出的演算法在效率上較J. G. Kuhl及S. M. Reddy所提出之偵錯方式有效率約50%,並可以適用於任意網路拓樸。
With technology booming, different types of transmission media make the Internet more and more widely used. Along with the different equipments to replace and update, network topology is more complex, and different network applications are going to have matured. Therefore, the network management is getting increasingly sophisticated; the incidence of errors is no longer limited to network hosts. Hence, in this framework, the fault management mechanism will become very important. Through the fault management mechanism, we can enhance the overall effectiveness, and performance of the Internet. By solving some features of the problems already occurred on Internet, we can improve the survival rate of the network.
Hence, we are going to study some existed fault detection mechanism, based on the system-level diagnosis, to modify the diagnosis algorithm and solve the problem of easy-faulty link problem in satellite communication. At last, we implement and conduct a simulation to verify the performance and effectiveness to validate the feasibility of our research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis