Title: 應用RFID於航空倉儲危險物品之效益分析
Benefit Analysis for RFID Application on Dangerous Air Goods Warehousing
Authors: 陳明宏
Ming-Hung Chen
Jinn-Tsai Wong
Keywords: 航空運輸;危險品倉儲作業;RFID;效益分析;Air Transportation;Dangerous Goods Warehousing;RFID;Benefit Analysis
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 危險物品的處理一直為航空運輸的重要作業,尤其隨著全球航空貨運運量迅速成長且託運品項的日漸多樣,如何在快速與安全兼顧的條件下進行此一作業便為關鍵之議題。劃時代的電子資訊服務科技—無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID),其對快速移動物品自動辨識的卓越功能,成為提升航空貨物處理效率,尤其是危險物品之可能契機。本研究以國內空運倉儲業者為研究對象,藉由實際參訪了解危險品作業流程與問題所在,進而探討導入RFID後倉儲作業流程之差異,再由量化與質化分析的方式,評量導入後之可能效益。研究結果顯示,RFID導入後,由於表單填寫手續的減少與貨物資料讀取速度的提升,每月可較行現作業方式節省近43%的作業時間,而自動化數量核對與主動式溫度監控方式,更大幅減少可能危害的發生;由此可知,RFID技術的導入,確實對於航空運輸在危險物品倉儲作業上有明顯的效益。
In the air transportation, dangerous goods handling is a critical activity, especially with the air cargo volume and items increasing dramatically. Thus, how to handle dangerous goods efficiently and safely is becoming a crucial issue. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a new generation of electronic information service offering unrivalled opportunities for the automated identification of fast-moving objects, is regarded as a turning point to increase the efficiency of air cargo handling, particularly for dangerous goods. This study focuses on the domastic air cargo wharehousing industry, and clarifies the potential problems within dangerous goods handling processes by practical interviews. The before-and-after comparison is followed to explore the diversities of wharehousing process with the RFID introduced. Meanwhile, both qualitative and quantitative analyses are preceded for assessing the probale benefits. According to the analysis results, the dangerous goods handling time could be approximately decreased 43% per month, due to the sheet fill-in reduced and cargo information reading speed increased; and the potential hazards with the wharehousing processes could be diminished obviously, due to automatic quantity-checkup and active temperature-detection. In conclusion, there will be a deal of benefits for the dangerous goods wharehousing in air transportation if RFID technology is introduced into.
Appears in Collections:Thesis