標題: 國產車高單價維修零件之調撥模式
Modelling Lateral Trasshipments for Expensive Repair Parts of Domestic Automobile
作者: 黃博彥
Po-Yen Huang
Cheng-Min Feng
Chao-Chung Kang
關鍵字: 國產車;高單價維修零件;水平調撥;緊急補貨;存貨水準;domestic automobile;expensive repair parts;lateral transshipment;emergency replenishment;inventory level
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 國內汽車產業競爭激烈,除重視新車銷售外,更朝向強化售後服務之全面性競爭。然而,車商唯有依靠良好之售後維修服務,顧客願意一再回廠檢修,車商才能持續獲得賺取報酬機會。此外,車商如何做好維修零件存貨管理,縮短料件取得時間,提高零件供應率,乃為車商提昇售後服務之重要關鍵。 本研究從單一家維修廠角度出發,採定期檢視系統,針對國產車多項高單價維修零件,建構其最適模式。為縮短零件取得時間,以提高服務水準,模式加入懲罰性缺貨成本,期能在顧客願意等待時間內,取得所需料件,完成後續維修動作。此外,模式中特別考量,以水平調撥與緊急補貨兩種調撥方式,支援該維修廠滿足零件替換需求。因此,本研究以調撥活動配合維修廠零件庫存,追求存貨總成本最小化,計算各高單價零件最佳存貨水準。 本研究模式結果,與現行維修廠所採零庫存策略相同,各高單價零件不需存貨,完全以一般補貨方式因應需求。對維修廠而言,零庫存策略,總存貨成本最低。但維修廠如欲提升服務水準與顧客滿意度,高單價零件應採低庫存策略,亦即約一件存貨水準,配合調撥活動支援,能滿足所有需求。且車商若以低存貨水準,搭配調撥方式,因應臨時性需求,則其總成本支出,與零庫存策略之總成本差異相對不大。
The competition of domestic automobile industry is fierce. Besides new car's selling, the automobile industry competition has already extended to the after-sales service. The customers would like to go back to the customer care center to maintain cars due to the high quality maintenance service, and then the automobile service shop could earn the profit. Furthermore, how to manage the inventory of expensive repair parts, increase the supplying rate of the parts, and shorten the time of acquiring the parts, are the critical factors of promoting after-sale service. This research develops an optimal model which considers multi-item, periodic review inventory system for expensive repair parts of domestic automobile from the viewpoint of single automobile service shop. In order to cut down replenishment time for improving the customer service level and complete the repair assignment, the model adds the penalty cost of shortage. Additionally, to satisfy the demand of repair parts, the model especially considers two ways of transshipment operations, lateral transshipment and emergency replenishment. As a result, our goal is to minimize the total costs to determine the optimal inventory level of expensive repair parts under the transshipment options. Our empirical results show that automobile service shops should adopt zero inventory strategy for all expensive repair parts. The strategy is similar to the current way by automobile service shops, and it could gain the minimun total costs. In order to improve service quality and customer satisfaction, automobile service shops should enforce low inventory policy for high value parts. Low inventory strategy could meet all maintenance demand with transshipment operations, and its cost has no significant difference with zero inventory strategy.