標題: 非意欲產出對市區公車營運效率之影響--隨機邊界分析法
Measuring Bus Transit Efficiency with Consideration of Undesirable Outputs: Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach
作者: 邱冠熒
Agnes K. Y. Chiu
Lawrence W. Lan
Erwin T. J. Lin
關鍵字: 事故;公車;生產效率;隨機邊界分析法;accident;bus transit;productive efficiency;stochastic frontier analysis
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 過去國內外對於汽車客運業營運績效之研究很多,但大部分僅針對業者的意欲產出(如班次、車公里、座位公里等)分析,鮮少有探討非意欲產出(如噪音、廢氣、事故等)對績效之影響。由於非意欲產出通常會伴隨意欲產出而發生,業者可能無法只生產意欲產出而不帶來一些非意欲產出,故當評估其績效時,理應將非意欲產出亦納入績效評估中,方不致偏頗。

The issue of efficiency evaluation for bus transit has been extensively studied by transport economists; however, they ignored the effects of undesirable outputs, such as accidents, on the efficiency measurement. While producing the desirable outputs -- transport services, a bus transit in practice also accompanies with some undesirable by-products, such as pollutants and accidents, which would downgrade the environments and even cause the properties or lives loss. As these undesirable by-products are never freely disposable, measuring its productive efficiency without adjustment of their negative effects would be biased. It is therefore important to incorporate both desirable and undesirable outputs into a model to assess the bus transit efficiency in an impartial manner.

This thesis attempts to investigate if the productive efficiency of a bus transit is significantly influenced by accidents involved. Both desirable output and accident rate are incorporated into a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model. A panel data of ten Taipei Bus Transit firms over 2001 to 2006 is drawn for the case study, wherein vehicle-kilometer is selected as the desirable output, accident rate (without distinguishing severity) and aggregated accident score (with distinguishing severity by converting fatality, major injury, minor injury, and property loss only into proper weighted score) as the undesirable output, and fleet size, fuel, and labor as the inputs. Our findings indicate that there exists significant inefficiency in the Taipei bus transit industry as a whole. The productive efficiency with adjustment of undesirable accidents (either without or with distinguishing the severity) is significantly different from that measured without adjustment of accident effects. It suggests that ameliorating the operational safety is one of the effective means to promote the efficiency of bus transit.
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