Title: 臺灣媒體代理商的交易模式分析─以期貨交易概念觀點
An Analysis of the Transaction Models of Media Buying Agency in Taiwan─ A Futures Contract View
Authors: 覃映慈
Ying-Chih Chin
Chi-Kuo Mao
Keywords: 媒體代理商;代理理論;期貨理論;Media Buying Agency;Agency Theory;Futures Contract
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 1987年政治解嚴之後,臺灣在各方面皆逐漸朝向民主、開放、多元,而媒體產業陸續開始蓬勃發展。約自1990年代起,開始有一些廣告主將原本分散在數家代理商的媒體發稿權集中於一家處理,以發揮資源整合的優勢,增進廣告效益。然而,媒體代理商的存在價值,僅僅是賺取廣告上(以量制價)的差價而已嗎?本論文將媒體代理商在業界的實務交易理論化。 本研究嘗試運用期貨理論的概念,來解讀媒體代理商的交易行為模式,並反應出在實務上,媒體購買公司存在的價值,並非只是一個廣告需求的中介者,而是一個交易商的姿態,藉由各式各樣的媒體購買操作,以提升其競爭力。媒體代理商基於在廣告供給與需求面上的「時間縱深」、「品類多樣化」、「需求 / 供給者多元」,上述三個原因,因此能有多方面的操作,以提升其存在的價值。本論文也嘗試將代理理論豐富化,以期貨觀點重新詮釋後,提供其他產業的代理理論的執行者以一個更宏觀的視野來定位自我,在操作上也可有更多想像空間。在任何產業中只要符合三要件之後,代理理論的執行者,即可化被動為主動,不再只是消極的因為有需求在尋找供給,而應是主動為需求尋找更好的供給,以提升自我存在的價值與創造競爭力。
Since the government removed restrictions on politics in 1987, Taiwan has become more and more democratic, open, and diversified. The advertisement industry boomed consequently. Since 1990s, in order to improve the efficiency and to save the cost, some clients started to consolidate their advertising agencies by pulling together the advertisements and designating one agent to take care of the release. This new model is called the "media central buying" system. The key theme of this thesis is to investigate the behaviors of the media buying agencies and the value of their existence. This research futures contract model is adopted to conceptualize the transaction practices of media buying agencies. It intends to illustrate that the value of existence of the media buying agencies is not only a broker but also a trader. Because of the inherent "long time line", "multiple choices of channels" and "rich mixture of diversified clients" of the business, a media buying agency can create its values to the customers (including both the clients and the channels) by leveraging on all these factors. Managerial implications of the insights gained in this research are summarized which enriches the conventional agency theories and provides explicit guidelines for the media buying operators to conduct their business.
Appears in Collections:Thesis