标题: 主并公司并购后短期宣告效果与营运绩效衡量—台湾上市公司之实证研究
The Acquiring Companies’ Announcement Effect and Its Operating Performance Studies– The Case of Listed Company In Taiwan
作者: 叶士荣
Shih-Jung Yeh
Jane-Raung Lin
关键字: 事件研究法;宣告效果;并购;event study;announcement effect;M&A
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 全球购并热潮在2000年时达到颠峰,而台湾在2003年通过企业并购法后,也加速了并购案的成长。究竟购并活动对主并公司股东财富的影响为何,一直是学者积极研究的课题。主并公司是否真能因购并活动而对其股价产生正面效益,亦为本研究所要讨论的重点。本研究以台湾上市主并公司为样本,使用事件研究法分析其短期宣告效果;在长期并购绩效则以财务比率找出与股价报酬率的相关性。实证结果如下
1. 国内股票市场对企业购并宣告有正面反应。但其购并消息亦存在容易提前泄
2. 影响其购并宣告效果的重要变数有购并地区、产业相关性、收购目标公司股
3. 影响主并公司营运绩效的重要因素,包含并购地区、并购目标公司股数
The global M&A activities reach its peak in Year 2000. After Taiwan passes the M&A Laws, it accelerates Taiwan’s M&A market. However, we are still wondering if the acquiring companies can have a better operation after M&A. In acquiring companies’ point of view, we measure the short-term effect of M&A announcement and its operating performance with stock return and financial ratios. We adopt event study and group tests to analyze the abnormal returns; in the aspect of operating financial performance, this research tries to find out what are the important factors affecting financial ratios after M&A.
The results are listed below:
1. As a whole, stock market in Taiwan responds positively to the corporate M&A announcements. It also shows that the M&A information may leak out in advance.
2. The factors affecting short-term abnormal returns of M&A announcements are geographic regions, industry relatedness, past performance of the acquiring company and the percentage of the stocks acquired.
3. The factors which affect the acquiring companies’ operating performance are geographic regions, agency problems, pass performance.


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