Title: 論伍慧明<<骨>>與譚恩美<<喜福會>>中亞裔美國之再現
Representing Chinese America in Fae Myenne Ng's Bone and Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club
Authors: 陳惠美
Chen, Hui-Mei
Feng, Ping-Chia
Keywords: 亞裔美國;再現;隱無;賤斥;陽具唯物中心;Chinese America;representation;absent;abject;phallogocentrism
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本論文以伍慧明《骨》與譚恩美《喜福會》為文本,探討兩位作者如何透過「隱無的敘事」(narrative of absence)來再現於美國歷史中那段被消音的、屬於亞裔美國的歷史。本文從亞美族裔的身份議題開始著手,藉由克里斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)所提出的「賤斥」(the abject)與弗洛依德「弔詭」(uncanny)兩個概念的運用來闡釋亞美族裔於美國歷史中所遭遇之困境,並賦予亞美族裔一更具流動性之身分定位。除此之外,最重要的是亞裔美國歷史之再現。不管是《骨》或者是《喜福會》,這兩本小說的內容皆是以故事主角們的家族史以及家中所發生的種種事件所構成,伍慧明的《骨》以一種近似倒敘的手法來呈現一勞工階級家庭—梁氏的家族歷史,故事主要圍繞在梁家二女兒安娜自殺的這個事件上,而安娜自殺理由的「空缺」(absence)成了整個故事的核心,也成了讀者探求亞裔美國歷史的切入點。文中梁氏三代各代表了亞美族裔移民史中三個不同的時期:由移民潮早期的「金山」時期,到移民潮晚期,一直到 「美籍華人」(American-born Chinese)的出現,由這三個世代所發生的大小事件構建了於美國歷史中被遺忘的亞裔美國史。譚恩美的《喜福會》則依時間的先後順序來呈現四對亞美族裔母女的情感糾葛,不僅對於母女關係有深刻的描寫,更具體呈現了亞美族裔女性於美國社會所遭受到的父權社會中「陽具唯物中心主義」的宰制,由母親們在中國所遭遇的點點滴滴,到她們早期在美國社會中的處境,一直到女兒們在美國社會中成長的過程,《喜福會》呈現了屬於中產階級亞美女性的歷史。而透過此二文本之結合探討,本文企圖去呈現一個全面性的屬於亞裔美國的歷史。
This thesis deals with the two novelistic works of Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone and Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. Both of the two authors aim at representing the neglected Chinese American history. In this thesis, I appropriate Kristeva’s “abject” and Freud’s “uncanny” to discuss and illuminate the issue of Chinese American identity in the American society. My argument is that in the formation of American citizenship, Chinese American community has always been positioned as the silenced, and by way of a “narrative of absence,” Tan and Ng are able to present the neglected history of Chinese America to the readers. Embedded in the seemingly personal and familial life sequences are the life struggles and sufferings of the Chinese American community. As Ping-chia Feng argues, a “narrative of absence” defamiliarizes and denaturalizes the reading of texts and thus propels the readers to see clearly those which are seemingly absent yet actually in existence. As the readers try to fill in the absence in the texts, they would discover this seeming absent Chinese American history.
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