標題: 台灣校園數位落差:以師生為世代區隔之研究
Digital Divide on Taiwanese Campus: Research on Generational Segmentation between Teachers and Students
作者: 蔡元泰
Yuan-Tai Tsai
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 數位落差;網路世代;近用;世代數位落差;世代間;Digital Divide;Net Generation;Access;Generational Digital Divide;Intergenerational
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 數位落差的問題自電腦進入人們的生活時就已經存在了,隨著資訊相關產品的普及和網際網路的興盛,落差的問題未曾解決,而影響層面及範圍也逐漸擴大,成為每個邁入資訊社會的國家不得不關注的議題。 回顧過去相關文獻,目前台灣大部份的數位落差研究多是針對性別、收入、年齡、教育程度及地理位置等人口統計學變項的差異進行研究,而針對校園內數位落差的研究,主要是著眼於不同背景學生間的差異,尚未針對校園師生之間落差之研究。 本研究以台灣地區國小、國中及高中職(含綜合高中)之教師及學生為研究對象,旨在瞭解網路世代學生與非網路世代教師間,是否因為世代不同,在數位科技產品的近用、擁有及使用、網路使用目的、網路使用行為及資訊應用情形等面向上存有差異現象,進而瞭解校園內世代數位落差現況。 本研究採立意抽樣問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「台灣校園數位落差調查問卷」進行調查,並將回收之有效問卷1414份(教師584份,學生830份)進行統計分析。本研究主要結果如下:   一、在數位科技產品的近用及擁有上,教師均高於學生;使用上教師與學生之間則無差異存在。   二、網路使用目的上,在「尋找工作或課業資訊」、「尋找生活相關資訊」及「買╱賣商品」的動機上,教師皆比學生強烈;而在「休閒娛樂舒壓」、「與其他人溝通」、「展現自己」及「下載軟體、音樂、影片」等動機上,學生比教師強烈。   三、網路使用行為上,在「溝通分享」、「遊戲」及「搜尋」等面向上,學生之行為頻率均高於教師;在「收集」、「購買及販賣物品」及「使用電子郵件」等面向上,教師之行為頻率高於學生。   四、在資訊應用情形上,教師的得分高於學生。 五、不同世代數位科技產品近用及擁有上,最年輕世代不及較年長的世代;使用上各世代間差異不大。 六、網路使用目的上,在「尋找工作或課業資訊」、「尋找生活相關資訊」上,8年級生動機最不強烈;而在「休閒娛樂舒壓」、「與其他人溝通」、「展現自己」及「下載軟體、音樂、影片」等動機上,年輕世代比年長世代強烈;在「買╱賣商品」的動機上,則是4、8年級生不及5、6、7年級生強烈。 七、網路使用行為上,在「溝通分享」、「遊戲」及「搜尋」等面向上,年輕世代行為頻率最高;在「收集」、「購買及販賣物品」等面向上,6、7年級生行為頻率最高;而在「使用電子郵件」上,則是6年級生行為頻率最高。 八、在資訊應用情形上,6及7年級生最好,4年級生最不好,8年級生則介於中間 。 最後依據本研究之發現與結論,對學校行政單位、教師與學生及後續研究者提出建議。
The issue of digital divide has existed when computers first came into our life. Despite the diffusion of information products and the popularity of the Internet, the issue has never been solved and the aspects of its influence keep enlarging, which makes it a major concern that every nation on the way to information society must be confronted with. In the review of past research, it is found that most of the studies examined the differences among demographical variables, such as gender, income, age, level of education, and geographical region, while others focusing on digital divide in school investigated the differences among students’ background. There has not yet been any study focusing on the division between teachers and students on campus. The purpose of this study is to investigate if digital divide between non-Net- generation teachers and net-generation students exists, focusing on the following variables: the access, possession, and use of digital equipments, web-usage purpose, web-usage behavior, and information application. This study shed light on the intergenerational digital divide on Taiwanese campus. This study used stratified purposive sampling method and a survey questionnaire developed by the researcher to collect data. A total of 1411 valid responses (584 teachers and 830 students form elementary, junior high and senior high schools) were collected and analyzed. The major findings are as follows: 1. On access and possession of digital technology products, teachers have higher access and more products than students, but there is no difference on usage between teachers and students. 2. On web-usage purpose, teachers have stronger motivations than students in three dimensions: “look for work- or school-related information”, “look for daily life information”, and “buy/sell products” . On the other hand, students have stronger motivations on “entertain and relax”, “communicate with others”, “express yourself”, and “download software, music, and video” than teachers. 3. On web-usage behavior, students use the Web more frequently than teachers in three dimensions: “communicating and sharing”, “gaming”, and “searching”; teachers use more frequently on “collecting”, “buying and selling”, and “using e-mail” than students. 4. Teachers get higher scores than students on information applications. 5. On access and possession of digital technology products, older generation have higher access and more products than the youngest generation (those born between the years of 1991 and 2000); but there is not obvious difference on usage between generations. 6. On web-usage purpose, those born between the years of 1991 and 2000 have weaker motivations than others in two dimensions: “look for work- or school-related information”, “look for daily life information”. Younger generation have stronger motivations on “entertain and relax”, “communicate with others”, “express yourself”, and “download software, music, and video” than older generation. People born between the years of 1951 and 1990 have stronger motivation on “buy/sell products” than the others. 7. On web-usage behavior, younger generation use the Web more frequently than the others in three dimensions: “communicating and sharing”, “gaming”, and “searching”; people whose birth years from 1971 to 1990 use more frequently on “collecting”, “buying and selling” than others; those born between the years of 1971 to 1980 use more frequently on “using e-mail” than the others. 8. People born between the years of 1971 and 1990 get the highest scores, those born between 1951 and 1950 get the worst scores, and those whose birth years from 1991 to 2000 get the middle scores. Finally, based on the findings and conclusion of this study, we draw implications for school administration, teachers, students, and make recommendations for future related research.


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