標題: 嵌入式儲存系統效能評估
Benchmarking Embedded storage system
作者: 曾士豪
Shi-Hao Tzeng
Li-Pin Chang
關鍵字: 檔案系統評量;嵌入式儲存體;快閃記憶體;垃圾回收;平均磨損;Filesystem benchmark;Embedded storage;Flash memory;Garbage collection;Wear-leveling;JFFS2;YAFFS;NFTL
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 快閃記憶體已經成為嵌入式計算環境的主流儲存媒體。拜嵌入式處理器效能長足進步之賜,處理大量資料已經不是桌上型電腦或者大型主機的專利了。快閃記憶體本身有著相當獨特的物理特性,因此以往設計給磁碟的檔案系統並不能直接使用在快閃記憶體上。也由於這個原因,對以磁碟為基礎所設計的效能評比與工具,並不能反映一個針對快閃記憶體設計的檔案系統的良莠。因此,本論文著眼於如何針對以快閃記憶體為基礎的檔案系統做一有系統的評比測試,目的是為了呈現以往測試評比工具所不能顯現的效能差距。這樣的結果,除了可建議使用者在某些工作負荷下應該用哪一種檔案系統,更重要的是,避免選擇在該工作負荷下效能不彰的檔案系統。
Flash memory has become a crucial component in building embedded computing systems. With the dramatic improvement of the computing power of embedded processors, embedded computers is now capable of processing massive data. In past work, the benchmark of disk-based file systems has been widely studied. However, because of the very different physical characteristics of flash memory, these existing benchmark suites are not suitable to evaluate flash-memory-based file systems. This work is motivated by the needs for the benchmark tools for embedded file systems. Our objectives are to reveal the how efficient the existing flash-memory file systems deal with the fundamental issues of flash-memory management. The benchmark results provide users valuable information regarding not only to choose a good solution in their embedded computers but also to avoid a poorly performing approach under certain workloads.


  1. 561501.pdf

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