標題: 在大張影像圖上加上多媒體註解的方法及註解系統的設計與製作
A methodology for adding annotation to large image map
作者: 滕旭之
Hsu-Chih Teng
關鍵字: 虛擬玻片;註解;方法論;virtual slide;annotation;methodology
公開日期: 2006
摘要: In the recent years, as the Internet becomes more popular, network bandwidth are cheaper and larger, and new web technologies emerging, rich contents can be delivered over the Internet and user can interact with these contents. In this research, we are focusing on how to acquire and deliver a large image over the current network environment, because the image size will be over hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes, to deliver this in the existing network will be very tedious, so we need a methodology that solve this issue. In addition to plain images, we also add multimedia annotations like video, audio, text and image to make the contents more interesting and useful. We will use pathology virtual slide and GPS navigation as our examples to illustrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed methodology.
In the recent years, as the Internet becomes more popular, network bandwidth are cheaper and larger, and new web technologies emerging, rich contents can be delivered over the Internet and user can interact with these contents. In this research, we are focusing on how to acquire and deliver a large image over the current network environment, because the image size will be over hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes, to deliver this in the existing network will be very tedious, so we need a methodology that solve this issue. In addition to plain images, we also add multimedia annotations like video, audio, text and image to make the contents more interesting and useful. We will use pathology virtual slide and GPS navigation as our examples to illustrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed methodology.


  1. 562001.pdf

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