標題: 一個基於XML的WEB多媒體註解機制
An XML-based Multimedia Annotation schema for World Wide Web
作者: 羅國亨
Luo, Guo-Heng
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 註解;機制;網頁;annotation;schema;XML;WEB
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 現代人對於資訊的需求與處理已是相當鉅量,面對大量的資訊我們需要去理解與歸納重點,因此對於網路上的資訊要進行處理與分享時,我們需要更有效率的處理方式。如同我們傳統的閱讀習慣,我們很自然的會在書上劃出重點,並寫下自己的筆記,而現今我們的閱讀行為已經慢慢的轉移到在網站上面進行,許多的使用者需要適應在瀏覽器上進行閱讀,比起傳統的閱讀較不方便。因此近年來開始有網站服務提供者開發讓使用者能在網頁上做標示與駐解文字的功能,並能夠分享給其他使用者閱讀有畫記過的網頁,對於資訊的分享更精確有效率。然而這些註解是被存放在網站服務提供者的儲存空間內,對於這些註解在網路上的流通與使用將受限於網站服務提供者。 本論文提出了一個基於XML的WEB多媒體註解機制,除支援對多煤體內容直接加上註解外,使用XML標準格式提升WEB註解的可讀性與流通性,方便於伺服端與客戶端及伺服端與伺服端間的註解傳送與處理。此外使用XML標準格式讓這些註解能被各種程式語言進行處理,以讓開發者創造更多的應用方式。
Since people need to read and process massive information nowadays, they need to realize and conclude the information very quickly. When people read a book, they would highlight some text or add annotations in order to increase the reading efficiency. However, today our reading is going to happen on web pages, people must adapt to read on web pages. Because the inconvenient of reading on web browser, in these years web service provider has develop a way to add annotations on web pages. As web annotation service providers keep the users’ annotations on their own space, the annotations’ application and exchange will be restricted. The thesis attempts to a XML-based multimedia annotation schema for World Wide Web. Use the XML standard format to increase the web annotations’ readability and exchangeability. The use of XML standard format let the annotations be processed by many programming languages. Moreover, it is convenient to be exchanged between client and server or between servers.


  1. 558701.pdf

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