標題: 中藥藥材與藥方網路分析
Network Analysis on Chinese Herb and Prescription
作者: 曾盛興
Shen-Hsi Tseng
Tyne Liang
關鍵字: 中醫醫學;網路分析;度分佈;統計;進化模組;Traditional Chinese Medicine;Network Analysis;Degree Distribution;Statistics;Evolution Model
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在傳統中醫醫學中,中藥藥材與藥方之間的關係可以一個網路的方式來看待。我們用一個二分關聯圖像將藥材與藥方視為兩種不同的節點,而藥材與藥方之間的連結代表藥材如果出現在藥方裡頭。在本論文中,我們以複雜網路的方式針對中醫的藥材以及藥方等系統的經驗屬性作研究。 我們探討不同年代的藥材與藥方,由分析的結果發現藥材網路的度分佈為指數分佈,藥方為常態分佈。我們提出一個進化模組以真實的藥材與藥方成長方式來模擬中醫藥材與藥方網路並給予模組模的擬結果與探討。 此外我們分析症狀以及針灸穴位網路,發現症狀網路的度分佈為指數分佈,而針灸穴位網路為常態分佈。
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the relationships between the Chinese Herbs and prescriptions can be cast into network. We can use a bipartite graph and allow herb and prescription to be the two types of node. An edge exists between the herb and prescription if the herb appears in the prescription. In this thesis we studied the empirical properties of Chinese Herb and Prescription Network with a viewpoint of complex network. We study the herb and prescription network using the medical book from two different eras. Analytical results showing that the degree distribution of Herb Network is exponential and Prescription Network is normal distribution. We propose an evolution model using the idea of actual herb and prescription evolution to simulate the TCM network and the simulation result and discussion were given. Furthermore, we analyze the symptom and acupuncture point network and found the degree distribution of symptom network is exponential and the acupuncture point is normal distribution.


  1. 562101.pdf

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