標題: 匿名網路之管理與連線分析機制
The management and connection analysis of anonymous network
作者: 陳冠志
Kuan-Chih Chen
Wuu Yang
關鍵字: 秘密通訊;洋蔥路由;secret communication;onion routing
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著電腦網路快速發展,在安全性技術上,最新的加密技術,已經能針對傳輸封包的內容提供相當程度的保護。然而即使不知道通訊的內容,若是得知通訊雙方的網路位置,亦即得知通訊雙方的身份,依然有可能帶來安全性的威脅。 因此在本篇論文中提出一個匿名網路的系統,對送信端與接收端之外的第三者隱藏其雙方的身份,同時相容於現有的平台與應用軟體,並且在必須且經過認可的情況下提供警察單位還原出相關的路徑與連線資訊。
As the computer network is developed fast, latest encryption methods, can already offer certain protection to the contents of package. If someone gets the network positions of both sides of communication, namely knows the identities of both sides, even if he does not know the content of the communication, it might still bring the threat of the security. We propose an anonymous network system which attempts to hide the sender and receiver’s identities and positions. The whole system is compatible with multi platform and existing application software. It also provides the authority to restore the original connection information when necessary.


  1. 563701.pdf

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