标题: 从COTS/Binary元件中解析条件参数以辅助随机测试
Resolving Constraints from COTS/Binary components for Concolic Random Testing
作者: 范扬杰
关键字: 符号执行;随机测试;Symbolic execution;Random testing
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 软体品质透过软体测试来达到验证。软体测试是想要找到程式缺陷而进行技巧性审查的过程。目前有许多的方式应用在软体测试上,但是有些臭虫是却很难用传统的测试方法来找到,假如他们不常发生在一般的情况下。为了改进软体测试的涵盖率,许多研究中提出自动化产生所有可能输入资料的技术。
Software quality is verified through software testing. Software testing is a process of technical investigation that is intended to reveal faults. There are many approaches to software testing, but bugs are difficult to find in conventional testing if they occur infrequently. In order to improve the test coverage, several techniques have been proposed to automatically generate all possible values of the inputs.
Recently, the developed methods are combining concrete and symbolic execution for Random Testing. They first try to instrument the source code of a program under testing. The program is executed on some user-provided concrete input values. After the concrete run, symbolic constraints are stored and then generate concrete test cases by solving these symbolic constraints. Unfortunately, access to instrument source code is often infeasible especially for COTS/Binary component. We present a method in the framework, ALERT (Automatic Logic Evaluation for Random Testing), which approximates the program semantics and establish a connection between symbolic parameters and dependent variables. As a result, the symbolic property can be preserved and more paths will be reached.


  1. 564001.pdf

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