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dc.contributor.authorPo-Yu Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao-Cheng Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以回顧網通產業歷史以及國際網通產業的個案來探討台灣網通產業的核心競爭力,比較網通產業與其它高科技產業不同的特性,並利用SWOT法分析台灣網通產業的現況,同時展望網通技術及市場發展趨勢,為台灣的網通產業提出未來發展的建言。最後,藉由深入探討台灣兩家不同類型的品牌公司:友訊和合勤,來分析台灣網通產業的成功關鍵因素,並以比較兩家網通標竿公司的異同來分析不同客戶類型的品牌經營模式的差異。 台灣投入網通產業甚早,成績也很豐碩,網通產業特性相對於其他高科技產業特別適合台灣發展,本身也是一個不斷成長的產業,很適合台灣人才和資源持續投入。雖然網通趨勢有些不利於台灣網通產業。例如技術門檻愈來愈低使更具製造規模的廠商持續投入網通產業,而台灣的網通產業製造大多移往大陸,大陸又有政府的力量培植網通產業與台灣競爭,這些對台灣都逐漸造成威脅。但是網通技術的發展速度很快,不斷有新的題材產生。新產品的互通性不佳又使得網通公司對於客戶投入的資源加大,給予很多經濟規模較小的公司一些生存空間。而技術門檻降低也使得國際大廠釋單的量和種類擴大,這些也為台灣網通公司帶來一些利多。 展望未來,台灣技術上必須更積極致力於技術扎根的工作以建立進入門檻,擴大業務範圍。行銷方面必須深化客戶關係與在地化的經營,同時延續既有的客戶合作經驗與控制成本和品質的能力,以期提升產業水準,擺脫後進者的追逐,同時迎頭趕上國際大廠,為高科技產業紅海化的今天再創屬於台灣產業的藍海。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research discussed the core competitence of Taiwanese networking equipment companies by reviewing the history of Internet and Ethernet, and studied two cases (Cisco & Lucent. In this research, the characteristics of networking industry comparing to other high-tech industries are highlighted, A SWOT analysis is used, and the market trend of networking industry are overlooked, to conclude some suggestions to Taiwanese networking industry. At last, two cases studies of Taiwanese networking companies (D-Link & ZyXEL) which are the paragons of Taiwanese branding ones are studied to analysis the key successful factors of Taiwanese networking companies and distinguish the difference of branding strategies when the target customers are different. Taiwan is one of the countries who jumped in networking industry at early stage, and also gets very outstanding achievement. Also, the characteristics of networking industry are especially suitable for Taiwan. Plus, networking industry is a growing industry. For these reasons, it is a good idea to keep investing more people and resource in this industry. Although there are some market trends which are not good for Taiwan, there are still some good trends which give Taiwan more incentive to keep going. In the future, Taiwan should keep working on solidating the technical fundamental to establish higher entry berrier and extending more business to new networking business. For the marketing perspective, Taiwan must deepen the customer relationship and localization, as well as extend the existing customer cooperation experience and the ability of cost and quality control, to catch up with the international giant companies and get rid of the chasers from behind. This would be the way to create a blue ocean in nowadays which high-tech industries are getting “red-oceanized”.en_US
dc.subjectNetworking Industryen_US
dc.subjectCompetitive Strengthen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Competitive Strength of Network Communication Equipment Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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