Title: 變革代理人引領組織變革之關鍵成功因素之研究
Critical Success Factors of Organizational Regenerations Driven by A Change Agent
Authors: 黃德榮
Huang Ter Rong, Kennedy
Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 企業再生;變革代理人;關鍵成功因素;organizational regeneration;change agent;critical success factor
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 企業有其生命週期,從創始人草創、成長到成熟穩定發展,每一個階段都可能發生危機而導致衰敗,預見早的企業主,往往了解到企業需要進行再生的挑戰,開始思考由誰來主導變革。面對變革改造的主導人,相較於股東會從內部作高階經理人的更替,從過去的國外案例可得知,由非原公司(或原產業)的外部專業經理人作為變革代理人 (change agent)仍能成功引領組織成功再生,如IBM、Nissan等。 然而,外部專業經理人在進入企業內部執行變革時,往往會面臨相當多的困難跟挑戰,在轉虧為盈的過程當中有相當多值得探討的地方,也存在著相當多關鍵因素及重整的概念。本研究即以變革代理人成功再生的A公司作為個案分析的對象,探討此過程,歸納當中的關鍵因素。 從問題診斷提出相對應的策略方案,在兩年多的時間,A公司從原來的虧損、停損,到持續創造利潤,變革代理人在整個成功再造過程的不同階段,以下歸納出幾項重點:包括1.取得高層授權2.內部及外部環境的望聞問3.取得下屬信服並執行變革4.溝通並說明立場5.改革是管理問題並非產業問題。此外,對於危機企業的改革,變革者有其階段性的目標,概念上是先求「救亡圖存」,隨後進行「止血療傷」並開始「生肌造肉」,最後再求「趁勝追擊」,隨著企業功能從原來的停滯恢復到正常運作,此時組織的執行力才能將所訂定的策略性目標達成,績效也會自然展現出來。
In a firm life cycle, from build up, grow-up to mature; there are different challenges a firm has to face. For responding a firm’s decline, the owner of the firm will try to change the CEO and prefer finding someone from outside to lead the change. There are a lot of cases how a professional manager comes from unrelated industry to be the change agent successfully revitalizing the firms such as IBM and Nissan. It’s meaningful to discuss the process about how the change agent overcome the challenge he confront and turn profit from loss into gain. This research is about case study on company A which was successfully regenerated by change agent, and focus on the key factors of regeneration. From problem diagnosis to strategic plan, the change agent led the company A from loss, breakeven to sustained gain in two years. The key successful factors of regeneration are as follow: 1.Get sufficient authorization from the board 2.Identify internal problem and scan the environment 3.Convince subordinate to lead the change 4. Communicate with a clear statement 5.making change is a managerial problem rather than an industry problem. Four phases of a successful organizational regeneration could be categorized into: 1. Survive 2. Stop bleeding 3. Convalesce 4. Pursue a further victory.
Appears in Collections:Thesis