DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract台灣兩兆雙星產業蓬勃發展,2006年全世界IC產值為美金2600億元, 2007年預計產值為美金2830億元。台灣自1970年引進IC產業,由於政府的支持,業界的努力,2006年台灣IC產值為台幣13,770億元,2007年預計產值為台幣15,670億元,在晶片設計、晶圓生產、晶片封裝皆在世界舞台占有一席之地。2006年全世界光電產值為美金265億元, 2007年預計產值為美金319億元。台灣發展光電產業已愈40年,2006台灣光電產值為台幣863億元,2007年預計產值為台幣973億元。顯示半導體產業在台灣持續發展和成長。 機械為工業之母,舉凡航太、車輛、造船、電機、電子、醫療器材、民生、國防等各類工業無不以機械來生產、裝配或運轉。台灣地區機械產業由於國內產業如半導體、LCD面板、台灣朔橡膠、紡織等工業的持續發展,使得對機械的需求逐年增加,2006年台灣機械的國內需求已成長到新台幣8,530億元。由於台灣機械業界整體的努力,機械工業產值年年成長,並帶動週邊業界如機械加工業的成長,到2006年台灣機械的國內產值已成長到新台幣7,000億元。 其中出口產值已成長到新台幣4,507億元,但進口值已成長到新台幣6,037億元。整體而言台灣機械產業仍是進口值大於出口值,因此機械產業仍有很大的成長空間。當我們進一步檢視進口和出口的機械產品,可以發現進口最大宗為特殊功能之機械及工具此主要為半導體、LCD面板和3C產業使用的生產機械和工具,2006年進口產值為新台幣1,818億元因此台灣機械工業應加強在半導體、LCD面板和3C產業的機械開發。 半導体和光電產業使用的切割機為封裝後段封裝製程中的前段設備,在晶圓切割、黏晶、銲線、封膠、蓋印等設備中,所佔的比例約為9%,市場僅次於黏晶、銲線設備屬封裝製程的主製程設備。根據Gartner的資料顯示,2006年晶圓切割機全球市場規模為2.27億美元,2007年預估對於晶圓切割的需求持平銷售金額約為美金2.16億美元。若以各個主要切割設備市場進行分析,亞洲包含台灣與中國大陸由於仍然處於技術與市場成長的需求,2006年約佔全球市場銷售額三成。但Gartner預測至2008年,切割機全球銷售額將成長至美金2.67億元。 台灣是切割機產業的後進者,在資源有限而要持續獲利且尋求企業的長期發展,必須有一套獨特的發展策略。本文主要探討學界所發展出來的策略方法及落實此策略的方法與步驟,期望藉著系統化的方法來開創台灣切割機產業的亮麗未來。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the prosperous development of semiconductor and LCD industry in Taiwan, the worldwide output value of IC industry was USD2,600 hundred million in 2006, and the estimated output value is USD2,830 hundred million in 2007. Since the introduction of IC industry in 1970s in Taiwan, because of the support of Government and the efforts of proprietors, the output value of IC industry was NTD13,770 hundred million in 2006 in Taiwan and the estimated output value is NTD15,670 hundred million in 2007. Taiwan had played a significant role in the fields of IC designing、production and packaging in the world. The worldwide output value of OPTO was USD265 hundred million in 2006, and the estimated output value is USD319 hundred million in 2007. The output value of OPTO was NTD863 hundred million in 2006 in Taiwan, and the estimated output value is NTD973 hundred million in 2007. Revealed that the sustained development and growth of semiconductor industry in Taiwan. Machinery is the basis of industry, such as aviation industry, vehicles, ships, electrical machinery, electronics, instruments of medical, civil industry, defense industry…all of them were produced, assembled, and functioned by machines. Since the sustained development of semiconductor, LCD, plastic/rubber and textile industries in Taiwan, the requirement of machinery is increasing every year. The demand of machinery had risen to NTD8,530 hundred million in 2006 in Taiwan. Because of the whole efforts of the machinery industry, the total output value of machinery keeps growing year by year in Taiwan, and promotes the growth of related industry such as machining at the same time. The domestic output value of machinery had up to NTD7,000 hundred million in 2006, among them the exportation had risen to NTD4,507 hundred million, but importation was up to NTD6,037 meanwhile. Generally, the importation value of machinery industry is more than exportation value in Taiwan, therefore, there is still a great space for growth of machinery industry. When we further inspected the machinery products of importation and exportation, we found the importation products were mainly the machines of special functions or the machines/tools for production of semiconductor, LCD and 3C industries. The importation value was NTD1,818 hundred million in 2006 in Taiwan, so we should emphasize the development of the machines for semiconductor, LCD and 3C industries. The dicing machine for semiconductor and OPTO is the front-end equipment of back-end packaging process, and possessing about 9% among the equipment for die saw, die bond, wire bond, mold and mark. The market share of dicing machine was just subordinate to the equipment of die bond and wire bond, and was the main equipment of packaging process. According to the research of Gartner, the worldwide market of dicing machine is USD2.27 hundred million in 2006, and the estimated selling market is USD2.16 hundred million in 2007. To analyze the main dicing equipment market respectively, Asia, including Taiwan and mainland China, are still in the demand for development of technology and market, and possessed 30% of the worldwide selling market in 2006. Gartner also forecasted that the worldwide dicing machine selling market will rise to USD2.67 hundred million in 2008. Taiwan is the attendant of dicing machine manufacturing. To gain sustaining profit and permanent development with limited sources, we must find some unique strategies for it. This abstract mainly went into the strategies pointed out by academic institute, and the way and steps to practice them. Expecting by a systematized way, we will found a glorious future of dicing machine manufacturing in Taiwan.en_US
dc.subjectdicing sawen_US
dc.titleThe development strategy of Taiwan dicing saw industryen_US


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