標題: 台灣製造業廠商赴越南直接投資動機及投資區域選擇之研究
The Motivation of Direct Investment of Taiwanese Manufacturers in Vietnam and Regional Investment Option
作者: 洪婉紋
Hung, Wan-Wen
關鍵字: 越南投資;海外投資動機;投資區位選擇;investment in Vietnam;investment motivation;investment location choice
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文主要在探討臺灣製造業廠商選擇赴越南投資的動機及區域選擇上的考量因素有哪些,針對已經前往越南投資設廠臺灣製造業廠商為研究對象,總共發放710份電子問卷,扣除其中223封無效電子郵件,回收有效問卷62份,回收率12.7%,採用SPSS軟體進行統計分析。 統計結果發現,「企業成本考量」、「國內投資環境變動」、「企業政策考量」及「尋求更佳的投資地點或環境」皆是廠商選擇前往越南投資的動機,而「勞動成本」、「原料供應」、「設廠成本」、「社會安全」、「政府因素以及市場等」等因素也都是廠商會選擇在越南投資的重要考量因素。在中國大陸及越南投資環境比較上,已至越南投資設廠之台商認為越南在「生產要素」及「整體投資環境」皆優於大陸,但受訪廠商並不認為越南的「政府政策」優於中國大陸。 再進一步就不同產業對不同因素的重視程度做單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)分析,發現在勞動成本因素方面,研究結果顯示「紡織、成衣、皮革製造及加工」及「機械、五金、電子產品製造及加工」產業對勞動成本的重視程度大於「印刷、化學材料製造及加工」產業。傳統需要高度勞力密集的產業,如紡織及電子加工業對於勞動成本的重視程度確實大於勞力需求相對較小的其他產業。 而在原料供應因素方面,研究結果顯示「紡織、成衣、皮革製造及加工」產業及「石油、煤、橡膠製品及加工」產業對原料供應成本的重視程度大於「印刷、化學材料製造及加工」產業。
The thesis attempts to investigate the motivation of foreign direct investments and deciding factors of location for Taiwan manufacturers who have already invested in Vietnam. We sent out 710 questionnaires by email with deduction of 223 ineffective emails and two incomplete questionnaires, and as a result there were 62 effective ones in total with a response rate of 12.7%. SPSS software is utilized to perform statistical analysis on the responsive questionnaires. The results of this study show that the motivation of “cost ”, “current investment environment changed”, “enterprise policy”, and “ look for better investment location or environment” are all the concerns, which motivate them to invest in Vietnam. “Labor cost”, “Material Supply”, “Factory set up cost”, “Society Safety”, and “Government & other market factors” are also the reasons for Taiwan manufacturers to invest Vietnam. As compared to investment environment in China the survey applicants consider Vietnam for their investment because she provides better “production elements” and “total invest environment”; however, they don’t think “Government policy” in Vietnam is any superior when compared to China. We further use one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)to analyze the empgazising degree of different industries in accordance with various factors. As compared to “printing and chemical industry”, “labor cost” has drawn more attention from “textile, cloth, leather industry” and “mechanical, metals and electrical industry”. “Material supply”, on the other hand, has shown more concern for “textile, cloth, leather industry” and “oil, coal & rubber industry” as compared to “printing and chemical industry”.