標題: 運用雛型演進法建置軟體回歸測試系統之研究
A Study of Applying Prototyping Method
作者: 溫子欣
Tzu-Hsin Wen
Chiun-Sin Lin
關鍵字: 軟體品質;軟體測試;軟體自動化測試;回歸測試;系統模擬;雛型演進法;Software Quality;Software Testing;Automated Software Testing;Regression Test;Simulation;Prototyping Method
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 電子商務的普及化使企業內的資訊系統扮演的角色更為關鍵。在資訊系統日趨複雜及龐大的情形下,資訊系統的品質成為企業資訊單位面臨的重大考驗。軟體測試為軟體品質管理的一個重要環節,占軟體開發相當的成本比例。軟體測試面臨的議題有:(1)以人工方式進行軟體測試的成本高,且不易落實驗證程序。(2)現有軟體測試中的單元測試及整合測試都只能針對單一模組或模組的集合進行測試,無法由點、線的驗證推展到全面的驗證,容易因殘缺的測試流程,造成無法正常運作的風險。 半導體製造業中所使用的製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)掌握了所有生產流程以及在製品(Work In Process, WIP )的相關資訊,是一交易頻繁的交易型系統。製造執行系統為了配合廠內流程改善以及客戶的需求,需經常性的進行客製化調整,也因頻繁的系統變更讓系統效能與系統品質受到威脅,間接影響對客戶提供的資訊服務。 本研究以台灣某知名半導體測試服務公司之製造執行系統為實作案例,以軟體自動化測試工具進行模擬,透過雛型演進法的概念,快速的建立軟體回歸測試系統,用以降低軟體測試成本以及克服現有軟體測試涵蓋範圍不夠完全的瓶頸。 最後經由驗證相關指標,包含製造執行系統的品質、軟體測試的時間、成本分析,來驗證本研究的實作結果,資訊管理者可利用本研究所提出的系統模擬回歸測試系統讓資訊軟體系統的服務更具競爭力。
Information systems are playing important roles in corporations with the popularity of E-commerce. As the complication of information systems increase along with the growth of scale, IT managers are facing challenges with the quality and stability of information systems. Software testing in a key process to assure software quality and the cost of software testing is rather high in proportion. Software testing is currently facing a few issues: (1) Manual testing is costly and the testing procedures can not be carried out precisely. (2) Current software testing flows with unit test and integration test are focused on single module or combined modules and can not perform an overall testing. Therefore, the flawed testing process would put system in functional risks. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) controls all the work flow and relevant WIP (Work in Process) information, it is a heavy-loaded transactional system. In coordination with the need of shop floor process improvements and customer requests, MES is suffering from constant customization and regular changes that put system quality and performance in jeopardy, which might impact information services towards customer. This study practiced in a wafer testing factory of one of the leading testing service provider in Taiwan by adopting automated testing tool to build a regression test system that simulates online system behavior with prototyping concept to perform overall tests. This allows IT managers to overcome current bottleneck in software testing. By comparing system quality, time consumed and cost, the performance is better than the original software testing solution and would place the adopted information system in a more competitive position.