DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Mei-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chiun-Sinen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要   本篇論文探討如何以策略貫徹於日益興起的類比IC設計公司日常作業管理面,續以平衡計分卡之架構建立四大構面進而提升其績效。在蓬勃發展的IC設計產業中,類比IC近來始被關注,尤其在於電源管理IC為主的領域,台灣電源管理IC股價也頻創新高,從IC設計業的小配角變成不可或缺而被重視的一塊。 本文參考資料來自先進豐富的研究學術論文,並輔以產業賴以信任的研究機構如拓璞產研、工研院、及IEK資料再加上執市場牛耳的產業時報,如電子時報等等。在大量的閱讀當中,發現市場上對類比IC的探討在近幾年才開始,因此也印證了成長的產業,訊息的提供才會多元化。也因為類比IC被探討的時間較晚,因此一般業界對於其分析較為集中在財務分析,相反的策略及如何落實則較少人討論。本研究採取個案研究的方法進行。針對策略規劃、平衡計分卡、及類比IC特質等三大部分先進行說明,並佐以不同的面向分析與確認公司方向如:公司之書面資料、公司內部及產業相關人員訪談及實地觀察公司內部營運三部分來進行探討。 本研究也實地與個案公司高階經營者就策略的制定及透過平衡計分卡及策略地圖,分析個案所面臨的競爭,並提出營運時之建議。並進而提供公司進行績效管理之參考。本研究進行方式如下: 一、個案現況描述與競爭力分析 二、澄清個案願景及策略並尋求策略定位,再導入以平衡計分卡為基礎之策略規劃模式 三、個案策略地圖建立並設計個案公司以平衡計分卡策略模式之資訊系統設計雛形 依據本模式建立以策略為聚焦的核心,並透過策略地圖連結組織的四大構面,使組織能在實際運作上達到策略真正被執行與實際運作。期許此運作結果也能當做其他同類型的公司參考並達到其營運目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The thesis mainly focus on how to execute daily administration in analog IC design house with strategy and to leverage four aspects of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to enhance the operation achievements. To review the development history of IC design industry, it is dramatically moving on, and power management IC field particularly catches most of the spotlight. We have seen the power management IC’s stock price in Taiwan always fits record high, which makes power management IC a main character out of a supporting role. Thereupon, apart from current listed companies, more and more new design houses have been joining this market. Many scholars’ academic papers have been referred for the study. Not only quite a few reliable industry research institutes, such as TRI, ITRI and IEK, but also leaded industry news, such as Digit Times, ets., are all very helpful. From loads of literature review, it is not very difficult to see the research of analog IC has just begun in these years. The information is such diversified that shows that the growing industry does interest people. More and more papers discuss about analog IC industry; however, most of them focalize on financial analysis. On the contrary, few people would talk about the strategy and implementation. Case study is the main methodology in this research to introduce strategy planning, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and analog IC characteristics with diversified analysis to ensure the company aspect. For example, the methodology includes company documents, interview with internals and relevant industry people and practical observation of the operation. The research suggests high-level managers with strategy formulation and analyses the competition that company is facing with BSC and strategy map. Furthermore, the thesis wishes to provide useful materials of performance managing by the following study, 1. Case introduction and competitiveness analysis 2. Clarify case’s vision and developing a BSC based strategic planning model for case’s company. 3. Setup the strategy map and design the information system prototype with BSC The BSC is not only based on the strategy-focused organization concept but also to combine with the four perspectives, Financial/Customer/Internal business /Learning and growth perspective, by strategy map which makes the company truly executive and operate the strategy practically. The consequence would be expected to be other same industry companies’ benchmark for the operation gold.en_US
dc.titleDeveloping a BSC Based Strategic Planning Model-A Case of an Analog IC Design Companyen_US