標題: 比較台灣半導體晶圓代工廠和記憶體廠初次購買和重複購買半導體設備購買行為之研究
A Comparison of First Purchasing and Repurchasing Behavior for Semiconductor Equipments between Foundry and DRAM Chip Makers in Taiwan
作者: 陳文鏡
Chen, Frady
Charles V. Trappey
關鍵字: 半導體;儀器購買;供應商選擇;重複購買;供應商選擇比較;semiconductor;equipment purchasing;vendor selection;re-purchase
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 中文摘要 過去,有很多論文研究供應商評選準則和半導體機台決策時的考量因素,然而,目前很少有關於比較台灣晶圓代工廠和記憶體廠商機台初次購買和重複購買設備購買行為的研究,特別是針對晶圓inspection和metrology設備的購買行為。 這篇論文就是針對這個題目進行研究,作者設計問卷分發給在晶圓代工廠和記憶體廠對機台購買有參與和有影響力的從業人員進行問卷調查,再用SPSS統計分析軟體驗證假設檢定。簡列部分重要結論如下,結論一:對台灣晶圓代工和記憶體廠商而言,初次購買和重複購買設備購買行為沒有差異,但是晶圓代工比較重視機台是否有關鍵突破技術,機台功能和售後服務;而記憶體廠商比較在乎機台價格,因而採用足夠好卻較便宜的解決方案。 結論二:晶圓代工廠的機台評估決策比較不受景氣好壞影響,但是記憶體廠商在不景氣時價格會比機台是否有最先進功能重要,特別會考慮第二優的廠商,記憶體廠商深受技術移轉母廠影響機台採購決策。結論三:針對半導體設備的滿意度調查,廠商應針對機台是否容易維修、機台售價、和維護合約三大部分進行改善以提高購後滿意度進而提高重複購買意願。 這些研究發現對半導體設備供應商未來機台的研發、成本控管、售後服務和產品行銷策略等有參考價值□半導體設備供應商可對未來初次機台滲透和重複購買策略擬定進行實際運用。 關鍵詞: 半導體, 儀器購買, 供應商選擇, 重複購買, 供應商選擇比較
ABSTRACT There are many papers studying the vendor selection criterion and factors that will be considered by the foundry and DRAM manufactures to make equipments selection decision. However, there are few papers studying the purchasing behavior difference for semiconductor equipments between the foundry and DRAM manufactures in Taiwan. This paper is intended to close this gap by conducting a survey for all-levels of buying influence in foundry and DRAM fabs respectively, and then author used SPSS statistic software to analyze the collected data and concluded the following: first, foundry and DRAM chip makers’ ranking for the first buy and repurchase buy decision has significant difference, but foundry likes good functions, break through technology and good post service, while DRAM fabs concern the price the most and trend to look for good enough alternatives. Second, foundry’s decision will not impact by economic cycles, but DRAM will. Third, DRAM chip makers will follow mother fab’s decision to purchase equipments, but foundry’s customer will not influence what equipments that foundry uses. Last, vendors should address 1.) easy to troubleshoot 2.) tool’s price 3.) service contract to improve customer satisfaction. All the findings will be useful for the equipment suppliers to adjust product development and their marketing strategy to win the first penetration and repeat purchase. Keywords: semiconductor, equipment purchasing, vendor selection, re-purchase