標題: 結合系統化創新方法(TRIZ)與品管歷程(QC Story)建構問題解決流程
Integration of TRIZ Methodology and QC Story to Create a New Problem-Solving Procedure
作者: 陳宏益
Hung-Yi Chen
Y. J. Sha
R. Y. Horng
關鍵字: TRIZ系統化創新方法;品管歷程(QC Story);QCC團結圈;Theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ);QC Story;QCC
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 現況企業廣泛採用之品管歷程(QC Story),在解決問題的技巧上仍以QCC團結圈員集思廣益、腦力激盪的方式來解決問題。品管歷程過去幾年應用下來,發現缺乏強而有力的工具或手法來有效解決問題,提供創新性解決方案,若遇問題性質過於複雜時(如品質與成本之相互矛盾),常有無法提昇問題改善之時效,對當今講求「速度」與「創新」的時代,實有捉襟見肘之憾。 TRIZ是俄文Teoriya Resheniya Izobratatelskikh Zadatch字首的縮寫,所代表意義是「發明性問題解決理論」(Theory of Iventive Problem Solving),由前蘇聯科學家Genrich Saulovich Altshuller(1926-1998)與他的團隊,在過去50年來,研究人員經由檢驗、分類與分析超過200萬件專利找出解決問題之共同發明原則。TRIZ提供使用者一個完整流程,可以系統化解決問題,現今TRIZ已廣泛發展與運用於全世界。 基於此一動機,本篇論文提出「創新性問題解決品管歷程」(Creative QC Story for Prolem-Solving)來改善傳統品管歷程。結合TRIZ系統化創新方法與傳統品管歷程,運用TRIZ系統化創新方法獨特之問題解決概念、發明工具與手法,整合於傳統品管歷程流程中,以補強現況品管歷程舊式流程對問題解決方法之不足。「創新性問題解決品管歷程」提供系統化、邏輯化、程序化之方法來解決問題。 實際案例研討中,某光罩公司運用了「創新性問題解決品管歷程」於光罩曝光機台環控系統改善案,品質水準相當於傳統方案,成本與交期只有傳統方案三分之一,對於講求競爭的光罩產業,將有些許貢獻。期待「創新性問題解決品管歷程」能對運用品管歷程之個人或企業有所助益。
Methodology of problem-solving of QC Story adapted in many companies still focuses on Brainstorming. The application experiences in the past few years reveal that QC Story has no powerful tools and methodologies to solve problem effectively, nor provide creative solution for the project, especially in dealing with complex problems, for example, the issue of contradiction between quality and cost. Nowadays, most company focus on “Speed” of problem-solving and “Creativity “of solution in competitive environment. Comparing with the trend of focus, QC story may not meet the requirement of completive business environment. “TRIZ” is the acronym for “Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch” in Russian. The English translation is the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”. TRIZ was developed by Genrich Altshuller (1926–1998) and his colleagues. The research has proceeded in several stages over the last 50 years. Over 2 million patents have been examined, classified by level of inventiveness, and analyzed to look for principles of innovation. TRIZ provides an overall process, which enables users to solve problem systematically and effectively. TRIZ is now being developed and practiced throughout the world. Based on the motive, the thesis proposed that “Creative QC Story for problem-solving” is developed to improve the traditional QC Story. It combines TRIZ methodologies/Tools with traditional QC Story. TRIZ special concepts in problem-solving, inventive methologies and tools are integrated into the flow of traditional QC story to supplement the weakness of problem-solving in the original flow. The new flow of “Creative QC Story for problem-solving” provides us with systematical, logistical and sequential methologies to solve problems. Via a case study in a mask shop, “Creative QC Story for problem-solving” was implemented to improve the cleanliness of environment chamber. The results showed that new flow provided the same quality as traditional method, but with only one- third of cost and delivery. It might have some contributions to the competitive mask market. Looking forward to seeing the “Creative QC Story for problem-solving” has some contributions to those people who are using QC Story now.