Title: 企業如何改善勞工上下班機車交通職災危害之研究
Apply QC-story procedure to reduce laborer’s commute accidents of scooter
Authors: 游宗龍
Yu, Chung-Lung
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Keywords: 交通職災;QC-Story;機車職災;commute accident;scooter;QC-story
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 由於目前台灣勞工於上下班發生交通職災之案件佔了台灣勞工職災絕大的比例,且工損時數與勞保之支出也相對高出其他職災案件!然其主要原因,因涉及到台灣道路交通之品質、管理及用路人習慣等諸多不利因素,故對各相關政府單位及民間企業而言,長期以來均普遍認知其如要有效控制具有相當大的困難度;這也使得每年上下班交通職災案件一直居高不下!而其中又以騎乘機車上下班發生職災案件佔交通職災比例最高、工損時間也最長、雇主也最頭痛! 本研究應用竹科園區企業慣用之問題改善方法” QC-Story ”為研究架構,並以竹科園區某廠商的實際個案為研究對象,針對其勞工上下班機車交通職災意外事故,分別於人為、機車設備、管理、環境等四大類因素找出相關主要真因,並針對其各項真因提出共十項可由企業進行有效控制改善的積極作為,依循規劃(Plan)、執行(Do)、查核(Check)與矯正(Action)的PDCA管理手法,協助個案工廠於改善計畫執行期間,將其機車職災的年最高工損日由200日降低到100日以下,達到其當年上下班機車交通職災減災的目標,足見機車交通職災減災事在人為,故期許能以此改善的手法及結果提供其他企業做為控制及降低勞工上下班機車交通職災之參考!
In Taiwan, laborer’s commute accidents of scooter are always more than other commute accidents from 2006, and also more than working accidents too. But, this problem still can’t be effectively controlled until right now. This study tried to use the QC-story procedure to find out solutions to help a company of study object to control and reduce its laborer’s commute accidents of scooter. In final, we found some good solutions and used it to successfully control its lost working days under their goal 100 days in nine months. We believe if it can be continually followed this method that the laborer’s commute accidents of scooter can be effectively controlled and reduced.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079766506
Appears in Collections:Thesis