標題: 台灣半導體產業生產管制效率提升之研究
Production Planning and Performance
作者: 黃新政
Hsin-Cheng Huang
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 電子商務平台;再製品;工作流程;綠色環保企業;工業工程模型;企業對企業自動化;Multi-commerce platform;WIP;Working Flow;Green Industry;IE Modelling;B2B
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究著重在客戶、供應商與企業(管理面、製造面)三個構面建構有效溝通協調機置。一個整合客戶端與供應商的電子商務平台將有效解決傳統溝通的極限,再以工業工程的模型配合傳統生產管制手法將是未來生產效益的主流。 在這工商業繁忙與知識爆炸的時代,「時間就是金錢」大家朗朗上口。溝通與協調的重要性為各行各業所重視,大家可以在咖啡廳、茶水間、會議室等地方略知一二。不具效益的溝通,只是閒聊不具任何正面意義;有效的溝通,不只是承諾與認同,更是具體行動的表現。一般與上、中、下游供應商、甚至客戶溝通管道不外乎Fax、Mail、Paper、Oral ..etc.,往往因雙方認知不同造成無效溝通,輕者溝通雙方心存芥蒂互有心結;重者信用破產商機受損,甚至對薄公堂不歡而散。隨著Internet 技術的普及,相關應用系統亦如雨後春筍般在各行各業被開發與運用。 企業工作流程,不外乎從訂單的確認、原物料的採購、再製品的管控、工單再確認、會計發票表單、財物單據與存貨管理等等攸關企業的競爭力。保證書、表單常以紙本方式提供,但常因紙本遺失造成困擾,不但浪費天然資源且增加彼此工作負荷。透過IT技術 – B2B、B2C、RTD、AMHS與PCN,再加上電子文件簽核歷程與工業工程模型的輔助,可對來往的資訊流做合理有效追踪。經統計此平台架構約可減少20~30%的無效溝通與5~10%資源浪費。 此溝通平台個案研究顯示了企業的戰略定位與未來發展的方向,同時有系統整理企業資訊自動化的需求。不僅提供Internet與Intranet系統整合時更清晰的認知,更建議企業朝向「綠色環保企業」的戰略方向邁進。
The research focuses on implementing efficient method of communication among vendor, customer and incorporation. An application of multi-commerce platform for automated customer and vendor communication is proposed to solve traditional limitations in communication. In addition, IE modeling and Productioin Planning will play important role in modern high-tech manufacturing. Several traditional methods including mail, Fax and paper transfer were often adopted for management and operation in corporation due to the critical factor of time. However, some mistakes and fail communication often happen as a result of mutual misunderstanding. Moreover, it could probably bring some inconvenience while using these communication tools. Thus, with the Internet technique spreading quickly around the world, related applications have been created to implement for communication in many industries. This research aims to adopt the concepts of automatic data collection and analysis such as the applications of industrial working flow in order confirming, raw material procurement, WIP control, accounting transaction and inventory management relevant to corporation competition, to propose an application of multi-commerce platform for automated customer and vendor communication. In this application, only few documents including certificate, warrant and order needed to be sent by paper. The troubles of paper-lost, information error, and resource waste traditionally between vendor and customer could be solved by this IT technology, namely, B2B, B2C, RTD,AMHS,PCN, Web 2.0. IE modeling should be included in these automation systems. In statistics, this automatic architecture could reduce about 20~30% fail communication and 5~10% resource waste. Case studies of the communication platform in this study indicate the strategic position and future direction of industrial development, and also systemize the industrial automation requirements. Not only does it provide a clear understanding of system integration between Internet and Intranet, it also suggests the strategic direction for development of Green Industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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