標題: 實現具改善動態殘影之液晶顯示器驅動系統設計
Implementation of Liquid Crystal Display Driving System with Motion Blur Reduction Methods
作者: 謝秉宜
關鍵字: 液晶顯示器;動態殘影;LCD;Motion blur;MPRT
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 目前在TFT-LCD的應用上,可以說是已經到了爐火純青的地步,舉凡 :電視、數位相機、筆記型電腦、PDA、手機等,需要顯示複雜資訊的電子產品通通少不了它。在面對畫像的迅速變化,液晶響應時間不足便產生CRT所沒有的拖影現像。2001年開始許多業者就液晶動態畫面模糊的評價方法進行了研究,定義了可將液晶動態畫面模糊進行數值化的MPRT。MPRT就是一種在眼睛感覺下,液晶螢幕上顯示動畫模糊程度的定量方法。 為了解決液晶動態畫面模糊的問題,本論文提出了用LED背光源以及具有插黑技術功能的面板,以不同的掃描方式搭配面板插黑功能,在LCD上模擬出類似CRT的脈衝驅動方式,從而讓人眼在觀賞畫面的時候,無法感受到拖影或殘影的現象。從實驗數據明顯可看出這兩種技術的結合,對於改善動態畫面模糊的問題發揮了很大的功效,MPRT可從原初始值的13ms降低至改善後的4.8ms,而且背光源的功率消耗從原本的42瓦特降低到26瓦特,這對於解決當前動態畫面模糊的問題以及低功率需求問题 ,更向前跨出了一步。
Nowadays, TFT-LCDs can fulfill most requirements of the applications including TV, digital camera, notebook, PDA, mobile phone, etc. However, compared to Cathode Ray Tub (CRT), the hold type driving of LCDs results in the issue of motion blur. Since 2001, several methods to reduce the motion blur have been developed for LCDs. The Motion Picture Response Time (MPRT) as a parameter is used to quantify the level of motion blur. In order to resolve the issue of motion blur, a combination of an LCD panel with black band inserting and an LED backlight with scanning driving was proposed. The scanning method and the black data insertion function can simulate the CRT-like driving. The MPRT can greatly decrease from 14.2 to 4.7 ms and the backlight power consumption can reduce from 42 to 26 W by the proposed method. The experimental results show that the motion blur on LCDs can be effectively improved in human perception.
Appears in Collections:Thesis