Title: 薄型光碟機之振動模擬與實驗
Vibration Simulation and Experiment for Slim-type Optical Disk Drive
Authors: 黃玠鋒
Tzong-Shi Liu
Keywords: 光碟機;振動;模擬;Optical Disk Drive;Vibration;Simulation
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本論文的目的在研究薄型光碟機的振動問題,謀求降低薄型光碟機和光碟片之間的資料傳輸錯誤率。隨著高倍速光碟機的發展,筆記型電腦越來越普及化,以及顧客對品質及規格的要求越來越高,對於筆記型電腦裡的薄型光碟機的性能要求也越高。光碟機必須追求更輕薄,且更有效率降低光碟機讀取頭和光碟片之間的資料傳輸錯誤率。發生振動及資料傳輸錯誤率增加之原因,包括光碟機內部因光碟片旋轉產生結構和讀寫頭的振動,甚至屬於紊流的氣流迴旋。本研究探討薄型光碟機讀片錯誤率之成因,並且提出改善對策。黏貼砂紙和鍍膜在上蓋,以改變上蓋和光碟片之間的空間及流場表面之粗糙度,以降低光碟片旋轉所造成之結構振動,進而減少讀/寫錯誤率。
The objective of this research is to reduce vibration in slim type optical disk drives and transmission data error rate. With the notebook computers more and more popular and customer's demand for quality, slim-type optical disk drives must be light and thin. Vibration and transmission data error rate result from disk rotation and airflow of turbulence form. This study investigates the occurrence of transmission data error in slim optical disk drives and proposes countermeasures. We use abrasive paper and paperboards pasted on the top cover to change the space and make air flow exposed to the surface roughness between the top cover and disk, in order to reduce vibration and transmission data error rate in slim-optical disk drives.
Appears in Collections:Thesis