標題: 以CLEC語料庫為基準來設計實作一個英語作文錯誤檢查系統
The Design and Implementation of an Error-Checking System for English Composition Based on Chinese Learner English Corpus
作者: 顏佐宇
Tzuo-Yu Yan
Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 語料庫;文法檢查;英語;作文;學習者;corpus;grammar check;English;composition;learner
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著英語課程的進入小學,以及英語檢定的普及,學習英語已蔚為風行。因應這樣的發展,學生們已開始在小學接受英語教學,以及相關的測驗,而在這種情形之下,在外補習或是自學的人數也隨之增長;但是,以學習英語作文為例,當學習者在完成一篇作文的時候,只能尋求人工的方式批改,不但耗費時間,評分標準也可能不一。不同於有著固定答案的選擇題或是非題,早就以電腦閱卷的方式取代人工批閱,即便是有少數系統可以批改,正確率也有待提升。
As the elementary school starts teaching English and the popularity of GEPT (General English Proficiency Test), many people consider learning English indispensable. Following this trend, many students start to receive English courses and take English tests. Therefore, the number of students who go to English institutions or appeal to self-study has increased as well. However, taking learning English composition as an example, when the learners finish their compositions, they must seek someone to check their works. This is a time-consuming process and, furthermore, the grading standard may vary. Multiple-choice and true and false questions have fixed answers that can be checked through Optical Mark Recognition, replacing the manual grading method. Even though English composition can be graded by a few systems, its accuracy may be varied due to the difference of learning background.
As a result, this research intends to improve the error checking system for Chinese learner’s English composition. The explicitly categorized and the representative error types in CLEC will be the basis to write the error checking system for English composition. By using the coordinate approaches, the misspellings, grammatical errors, and the irrelevance sentences can be marked clearly and served as references for the graders.
Since English is still foreign to Chinese, the differences among voice and tenses have caused difficulties in learning. Thus, we must design a system not only providing the learners to do relevant practice beforehand but also functioning as references for the graders. More importantly, our system is based upon CLEC and integrates many grammar checking modules to cover the error types as many as we can. For a learner, it can be used to his own English composition conveniently. For a grader, it can be used to uncover all possible errors before they do the final semantic checks. Thus, the grading basis for all testers’ English compositions is the same.
Numeric English composition samples (list in appendix) are used to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed system.


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