標題: 課堂多媒體教材製作與教學運用研究
A Study on Multimedia Teaching Material Design and It’s Applications – The Construction and Proofs of Congruent Triangles
作者: 李政憲
Jen-Shian Li
Ming-Jang Chen
關鍵字: 全等性質作圖證明;多媒體教材製作;認知心理學;記憶與訊息處理的模式;多媒體學習理論;教材設計原則;數學知識與解題能力;小組試教、大班教學及專家評鑑;The Construction and Proofs of Congruent Triangles;Multimedia Teaching Material Design;cognitive psychology;memory and information processing;multi-media learning;the design principles of teaching materials;mathematical knowledge and their abilities in solving the problems;teach in small groups, teach in full-size classes, and math experts evaluate
公開日期: 2007
摘要:   國中有關全等作圖及部份證明的幾何課程於2007年自九年級調整至八年級下學期,使得數學科教師在時間上的安排有所不足,無法在有限的時間作最有效的教學。然而此部份的學習,將是其幾何思考層次是否得以提昇,並影響其後續相關證明及幾何運算的重要關鍵。是故一套有系統的教材及有效的教學方式,對於教師及學生兩者,都是極其重要的。   本研究從認知心理學出發,探討視知覺理論與學習的關係,並研究記憶與訊息處理的模式;再根據多媒體學習理論及教材設計原則,就課本內容及教學目標、能力指標,分析應具備的數學知識與解題能力,利用PowerPoint配合MathPS軟體,設計完整的全等三角形教學素材。再透過小組試教、大班教學及專家評鑑等方式,確認教材可行性與學生的接受度,期間並依相關理論及學生反應及教師所給予的意見分別製作了不同的版本,並加以比較不同版本的前後的差異性及進步。期待這一份完整的幾何教材,能夠提供有意願的教師使用,使學生的學習更加順遂。
In 2007, the teaching on congruent figures and partial proofs of the geometry subject was moved to the 2nd semester of eighth grade instead of ninth grade in the junior high school. This change, henceforth, has brought about insufficient preparation time for teachers of mathematics and also made it very challenging to provide effective teaching in a limited amount of time. Mastering this concept is critical for students in advancing their level of reasoning in geometry, as well as their follow-up ability in relevant proofs and geometric operation. Thus, a set of systematic teaching materials and effective teaching methods, very important for both teachers and students, were devised for this course. This study, proceeding from cognitive psychology, explored the relation between the theory of visual perception and learning. It also researched the models of memory and information processing. In addition, it incorporated the multi-media learning strategies and the design principles of math teaching materials in the context of a whole textbook and also focused on the course objectives and ability indexing. The vehicle was through the use of the PowerPoint and MathPS software applications to analyze and assess student feedback in mathematical knowledge and their abilities in solving the problems. As a result, a complete set of materials for teaching congruent triangles was developed. The materials have been validated at least by three methods, such as being used to teach in small groups, then in full-size classes. Math experts also evaluated it. All measures were taken to ensure that the teaching materials were feasible for teachers, with high level of acceptance from students. Several different revisions of the materials have been made and tested in accordance with relevant theories, student feedback, and suggestions from the teachers during the study. Moreover, among revisions, comparisons were made as far as the differences and student progress. We sincerely expect the new and complete geometry teaching materials will not only offer great help to the teachers, but also make students learn with great ease and enjoyment.


  1. 352301.pdf

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