標題: 國民中學日、月、地系統電腦模擬教具的開發與教學成效探討
The Development of a Computer Simulation and a Study of its Effect on Junior High School Students’ Learning of Sun-Moon-Earth Systems
作者: 吳建興
Yuan Yuan
關鍵字: 電腦模擬教具;ADDIE系統化教學設計;日月地系統;國中;Computer simulation;Systematic Design of Instruction;Sun-moon-earth Web system;Junior high school
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 國民中學階段的日、月、地相關課程對學生是一個較難理解的單元。本研究利用系統化教學設計(ADDIE)模式來開發日、月、地系統網站及電腦模擬教具,並探討使用於教學晝夜與四季、月相的盈虧、日食與月食、潮汐現象等四個單元的教學成效。   本研究採不等組的前後測準實驗設計,實驗組使用日月地系統網站及電腦模擬教具教學,對照組以傳統講述法教學,並以自編的學習成就測驗進行前測、後測及延後測後,將學習成就測驗後測減前測以及延後測減前測的平均分數分別作獨立樣本t檢定,發現實驗組的立即學習成效較控制組有顯著的進步,而在保留學習的成效上,實驗組亦較控制組有顯著的保留效果。 在子單元的學習成效上,實驗組在晝夜與四季、月相、日月食、潮汐現象的立即學習成效表現上,各項平均分數皆高於控制組,僅日月食與潮汐現象兩單元與控制組達顯著差異;而在晝夜與四季、月相、日月食、潮汐現象的保留學習成效上,各項平均分數亦高於控制組,且潮汐現象與控制組達顯著差異。 研究發現實驗組學生認為日月地系統網站及電腦模擬教具對於學習上有很大的幫助,也覺得電腦模擬教具的可操作性,讓他們更能了解日月地系統之間的觀念與現象。
It is known that concepts related to sun, moon, and earth are especially difficult for junior high school students. This purposes of this study were to develop the sun-moon-earth and computer simulation Web system and to study its effect on junior high students’ learning of four units – day, night and four seasons, the phases of the moon, the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse, and the tidal phenomenon. The model of the Systematic Design of Instruction (ADDIE) was used as the guide to design the Web system. The research design was a nonequivalent groups pretest - posttest quasi – experimental design. Participates were 83 9th grade students from two classes of a junior high school. The researcher randomly selected one class as the experimental group, and the other one as the control group. Students in the experimental group received the instructions using the sun-moon-earth and computer simulation Web system. Students in the control group received the traditional teacher-centered instruction. Research results showed that students in the experimental group performed better than the control group on both the posttest and the retention test. Students in the experimental group outperformed on concepts that were related to the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse, and the tidal phenomenon in the posttest. They also outperformed on concepts that were related to the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse in the retention test. Students in the experimental group considered the sun-moon-earth and computer simulation Web system a useful tool for learning. Especially the simulation applet offered them an opportunity to manipulate and gained a deep understanding of the sun-moon-earth systems.


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