標題: 行動加值服務創新管理之研究–以F行動通信業者提供個人來電答鈴為例
The innovation management to a mobile value added service product-A case study on operator F deploying an innovative Personal RingBack Tone service
作者: 柯福星
Fu-Sing Ko
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 創新管理;Innovation
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 我國政府於1997年開放民營電信自由化之後,台灣行動通信蓬勃發展,在2002年台灣已成為全球行動電話普及率第一名的區域,在門號發行幾近飽和的情況下,民營業者的獲利策略必須跟著市場需求的變動而有所改變,在競爭趨於白熱化的市場上,若客戶的議價能力太強,會壓低整個產業的獲利,在高度競爭的經營環境下,企業必需尋求各種經營策略以增強市場競爭力,一個重要的方式即是持續推出新產品,以創造顧客所想要得到的價值,才能獲取競爭優勢以獲得較高的利潤,進而奪得市場進入優勢。誠如Michael E Porter所提到的成功的大企業不僅會檢視自己的能力,還會開創自己的競爭優勢,進而改善自己企業所在的環境,而使企業與客戶取得平衡。2003年期間,行動通信門號飽和時代的來臨,及台灣3G行動通訊執照的陸續發放,F行動通信業者(以下簡稱F公司)能在這行動通訊服務低獲利的困境中,以差異化策略在國內推出首次的個人來電答鈴的創新行動加值服務,創下國內行動通信加值服務獲利倍增的奇蹟,而引起國內外其他通信業者的紛紛效尤。本研究以個案方式探討F公司於創新管理上的活動,找出其關鍵成功因素,而得到行動加值創新管理的關鍵程序: 創新構想、成本效益分析、價值評估與優先順序、產品開發決策、專案執行、上架/上市推出。
In 2002, the penetration rate of mobile subscribing has reached over 100% of the population as the highest mobile subscriber penetration in the world. As Michael E Porter mentioned the successful enterprise would not only check and review their strength and capabilities, but also develop the competitive strength for itself and then to improve that environment for itself and formulate the balance of enterprise and customers. In 2003, mobile number subscribing is saturated, operator F can gain the profit twice compare with before in their value added service by putting an innovation to Personal RingBack Tone service developing into shape be an innovative Value added service in a differentiation strategy, it is not only a miracle in Taiwan mobile business, but also operator F makes Personal RingBack Tone become a popular service and followed by other operators .This research would base on some theories to find out the KSF of Personal Ringback Tone and come out a innovation management procedure , in order to help enterprise to catch the opportunity of innovation and commercialize which innovation to be a real product or service .