Title: 台灣地區電路板雕刻機採購決策之影響因素分析
Influential Factors of PCB Prototyping Machine Purchasing in Taiwan
Authors: 劉正益
Cheng-Yi Liu
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 電路板雕刻機;德爾菲法;層級分析法;PCB prototyping machine;Delphi Method;AHP
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究是以台灣地區之企業及學術研究單位為研究對象,探討在電子電路研發與電路板(Printed Circuit Board)樣品製作,所需使用之重要研發設備「電路板雕刻機」(PCB Prototyping Machine)的採購決策影響構面與因素。 首先藉由文獻回顧與專家訪談法作影響因素之初步彙整,進而使用德爾菲法(Delphi Method)建立層級架構模型,最後採用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)進行實證研究。在經過資料整理與分析之後,針對研究所得結果, 提出影響「電路板雕刻機」採購決策之重要因素及排序。本研究乃是針對研發設備,探討其採購決策影響因素,除了異於以往研究主題皆屬於生產或製程設備的探討之外;其研究結果,更將成為日後「電路板雕刻機」 的設備購買廠商與設備生產業者,在進行採購評估與銷售推廣時重要的決策參考依據。另外,本論文亦針對研究結果所代表之管理意涵及實務上之建議進行討論與闡述。
This research investigates the factors that influence decision making in purchasing Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Prototyping Machine equipments for important research and development. It differs from previous studies, which focus on production and manufacturing equipments. Potential influential factors are first collected by literature review and expert interviews. Preliminary hierarchy structure model is built by using the Delphi Method. A complete framework, composed of influential factors with associated weights, is achieved by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The research results, based on the perception data collected from the experts in enterprises and academic organizations in Taiwan, can help PCB prototyping machine buyers improve their decision quality, and also provide useful information for equipment manufacturers for marketing. Some managerial implications are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis