Title: | 高品質無線通訊雙頻操作被動元件之研發(I) Development of Dual-Band Passive Devices with Improved Perforamnces for Wireless Communications(I) |
Authors: | 郭仁財 KUO JEN-TSAI 國立交通大學電信工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 雙頻帶;微帶濾波器;步階阻抗諧振腔;傳輸零點;寬截止帶;直交耦合器;雙頻帶;微帶電路;微小化;180o 耦合器;壓抑假響應;步階阻抗;Dual-band;microstrip filter;stepped-impedance resonator (SIR);transmission zero;upperstopband;branch-line coupler;dual-band;microstrip circuit;circuit miniaturization;ratrace coupler;spurious suppression;stepped-impedance. |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 本計畫第一年 (2007/08~2008/07) 探討如何設計具有多重傳輸零點、寬截止帶、以及高階微小化
本計畫第二年 (2008/08~2009/07) 研究具有雙頻帶操作的方向耦合器(90o 與 180o 分合波器)
及其微小化設計。先將 180o 分合波環周邊以步階阻抗傳輸線取代,以達到微小化與骯頻操作的目
的。每一段 λ/4 週邊均以兩段低阻抗及一段高阻抗傳輸線段串接之傳輸線電路取代,所得之分合波
器所佔用面積為傳統設計之 49%,初步研究成果中以操作於 900/1800 MHz 雙頻電路之實作與量測
所設計的雙頻帶180o 耦合器,其周長只有傳統單頻帶設計的32%。如果進一步使用步階阻抗,環的
並兼具雙頻與微小化的設計將一併研究。 In the first year (2007/08~2008/07) of this proposal, dual-band bandpass filters with plural transmission zeros, wide upper stopband and compact size will be studied. In our previous study of stacked SIR bandpass filters, it is found that the higher the dual-band filter order is, the smaller the realizable bandwidth will be. Therefore, it is desirable to design a dual-band BPF exhibiting quasi-elliptic function response at two designated bands, so that the selectivity and stopband performance can be improved and not to resort to the increase of filter order. The stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) in a stacked configuration is designed to exhibit two designated bands. Plural transmission zeros on both sides of the two passbands are generated by using skew-symmetric coupled-line feed. By adjusting the geometry of the feed lines, the return losses within two bands can be improved. Microstrip filters were measured to verify the design. Further, how to suppress higher-order harmonics by transmission zeros will also be developed in this proposal. In the second year (2008/08~2009/07) of this proposal, a planar dual-band rat-race coupler is miniaturized by equipping the ring with stepped-impedance sections. Each λ/4 on the circumference of the ring is replaced by a cascade of two low-Z sections with a hi-Z section in between. The area of the experimental circuit has 49% of that of the traditional design with uniform impedance. An experimental coupler with dual-band operation at 900/1800 MHz is fabricated and measured to validate the design. Furthermore, microstrip couplers are designed to have a dual-band characteristic and miniaturized circuit area. For the rat race coupler, it is realized by attaching open stubs to both ends of a stepped-impedance line section to replace a λ/4-section in the traditional 6λ/4-ring. The circuit geometric parameters are obtained by solving simultaneous nonlinear equations formulated based on the transmission line theory. In our prototype design using uniform transmission line sections, the circumference of the 180o coupler uses only 32% of the conventional circuit designed at lower band. When stepped-impedance sections with an impedance ratio R = 4 are used, the circumference can be further reduced to be less than 25% of the conventional design. Microstrip rat race ring hybrids operating at 2.45/5.2 GHz are fabricated and measured. Measured results have good agreement with the design and simulation. In this proposal, the above approach is also employed to design dual-band branch-line couplers with circuit miniaturization. Circuit design with suppression of spurious harmonics will also be investigated. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2221-E009-245 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88363 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1489276&docId=266364 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |