標題: 無線區網可能遭受之攻擊技術研究
Study of Attacking Techniques against Wireless LAN
作者: 曾文貴
關鍵字: 無線區網;攻擊技術;攻擊平台;WLAN;Attacking technique;Attacking platform
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 自網際網路(Internet)發展以來,需求與日俱增,網路已經成為大眾生活 中重要的媒介工具。伴隨著無線電波技術的成熟以及對網路存取便利性的要 求,無線網路成為現今網路發展的主要方向之一。無線網路由於沒有線路的牽 絆,只要在無線電波的傳達範圍內皆可以方便地存取到網路。但因為無線網路 不受限於實體建築與線路的阻隔,如果使用的加密認證安全技術不夠強健,惡 意份子可以輕易在空氣中,甚至是實體建築外攔截無線網域中的訊號,因此無 線網路安全就成為重要的研究課題。 本計畫將研究攻擊無線區域網路的技術,我們將先完全瞭解無線區網的弱 點,從而在實際面提出可能的攻擊方法。雖然先前已有一些相關的成果,但是 大都缺乏整合,我們除了希望能夠研究新的攻擊技術之外,我們還要將所有的 相關成果整合在同一平台上,例如在Linux 或MSWindows 平台上,實現完整的 攻擊技術,以利將來的應用。
Since the development of Internet, the demand for Internet has increased dramatically. Internet has become a part of daily life such that people rely on Internet to access data for business, research, entertainment, etc. Due to its convenience, wireless communication is the current trend of communication development. It realizes the dream that people can access networks anywhere and anytime. However, wireless communication is vulnerable since it provides an unprecedented convenience for the attackers to mount the attacks on the target networks. If the underlined security mechanism for encryption and authentication is not robust enough, the convenience could turn into a disaster. In this project, we shall study the attacking techniques against the wireless LAN (WLAN). We shall spend time on understanding the weakness points of current WLAN and then propose new attacking methods. Although there are some research results on attacking WLAN, they are not integrated and hard to use. In addition to developing new attacking techniques, we shall set up a unified attacking platform so that attacking can be applied easily.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2623-7009-008-D
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88460