標題: 互動式數位音樂創作學習玩具與系統平台之建立---互動式數位音樂創作學習玩具與系統平台之建立
Building an Interactive Learning Toy and System for Digital Music Composition
作者: 黃志方
Huang Chih-Fang
關鍵字: 數位音樂創作;學習玩具;適性化學習;認知障礙;學習成效評估;無障礙數位學習;Digital Music Composition;Learning Toy;Adaptive Learning;Cognitive Disability;Learning Performance Evaluation;Web Accessible e-Learning.
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 資訊科技的進步造就了全球數位內容產業市場 、遊戲、電影、電視、手機影音服務、電子出 版品、文化創意 ,其中,數位音樂皆扮演著相當舉足輕重的角色。然而,目前國內學 校與補教業者所開設之數位音樂創作與學習相關的課程,大多不適用於學齡兒童,更遑論認知障礙的 兒童,而不易學與用之深奧課程與專業音樂編輯軟體,亦難引發與維持學齡兒童之長久學習興趣。且 需於特定場所與時間方能進行學習,亦產生不便利性問題。所以,如何提供一個適合、有效以及便利 學齡兒童進行數位音樂創作學習的學習環境,以進而早期開發兒童之數位音樂興趣與創作潛能,便成 為本計劃所重視的研究問題。 但因學齡兒童常有學習興趣低落與不易維持之特性,故可寓教於樂的學習玩具,便成為激發兒童 學習動機之方式,以使兒童可集中注意力於學習、持久學習及樂於學習。例如 然玩具能夠吸引學習者的注意力與驅動學習動機,但其僅為增進學習成效的要素之ㄧ,如無搭配有效 的學習方法來進行學習知識概念的教導,則所能獲得的學習成效將是有限的。故提供兒童如何利用已 知的學習知識來學習更高層次的概念學習策略,以進行有意義的學習理論 因此, 、 習環境、 ,進而做有效的改善,便成為本計 劃的研發重點項目。所以,本計劃整合音樂工程技術、機械與自動控制技術、嵌入式系統設計、適性 化學習、評量與資源管理技術、學習理論與成效評量分析技術、以及數位內容設計等領域,在基於學 中做 做中學 礎下,針對學齡兒童規劃了一套互動式數位音樂創作學習玩具與系統平台 適性化的學習導引中,習得數位音樂的創作知識,在實作的過程中建構知識與瞭解迷失概念,在與玩 具互動的過程獲得快樂,在與同好的分享中獲得滿足與成就。 整體計劃依工作內容分為三個子計劃:子計劃一:『互動式數位音樂創作玩具與機構之研製』 將發展一造型可愛之玩具,其四肢與 頭部可依據兒童所創作之樂曲風格而作不同動作之變化。其可獨立運作,亦可與電腦連結使用, 透過互動式之參數設定可改變所儲存樂曲之風格與曲調,以達到玩中學 的。 子計劃二:『數位音樂創作適性學習系統之研製』 將發展一適性化學習系統與數位音樂作曲 軟體,可提供教師規劃音樂創作課程活動與給予兒童適性化之音樂課程學習及指導,並可利用數 位音樂作曲軟體進行邊做邊學,在操作中即時瞭解迷失概念所在,而得到適當的補救教學,以達 到學中做 。而所創作之數位音樂,將會驅 動子計畫ㄧ所發展之數位音樂玩具進行舞蹈表演,以誘發學習興趣與激發數位音樂創作潛能。 子計劃三:『互動式數位音樂創作玩具學習模式之分析與成效評估』 透過使用數位學習玩具 和數位學習活動的設計,來分析學習者的學習成效。本研究採用個案研究的方式,其研究對像除 了 兒童外,還包括心智年齡在 知障礙學員。研究實施方式為透 過發展數位學習教材和結合智慧型數位學習玩具的專題式合作學習活動來分析其學習成效。透過 此研究,希望能夠提供國內數位學習產業發展出一個可以結合遊戲和學習的新學習模式,並能夠 將此學習模式不但使用於中小學學齡兒童,並能使用於身心障礙學習者。
The Development of information technology prospers the market of digital content in the world such as Animation, Game, Movie, TV, Cell Phone Service, Cultural Creation, where the digital music plays an important role. However, most of digital music courses are not designed for children, not to mention the ones with cognitive disabilities. Also, difficult courses and professional music authoring softwares are hard to inspire and keep the learning interests of children. Moreover, studying at specific location and time period results in the inconvenient problem as well. Therefore, how to provide children with an appropriate, efficient, and convenient learning environment of digital music creation is our concern. Because the learning interest of children often is low and hard to keep, the edutainment based learning toys become an approach to inspire their learning motivations and make them happy to concentrate on learning for a long while. For example, the LEGO building block and LEGO Mindstorms are proposed based on the Learning by Making in Constructionism Theory. However, although toys can inspire users』 learning motivations, it is one of items to improve the learning performance. Thus, the learning performance will be limited if without efficient learning guidance. Accordingly, according to the meaningful learning theory, we have to teach children how to use their acquired knowledge to learn these more difficult ones and use meaningful toy to inspire their learning motivations. Then, their can efficiently achieve the learning purposes. Therefore, in this project, (1) how to design a digital music toy to inspire children』s learning motivations, (2) how to offer a convenient and efficient learning guidance and environment, and (3) how to analyze this learning mode and performance of learning toy, and further propose the refinement approaches are the important research issues. Thus, based on Doing by Learning, Learning by Making, and Learning by Playing in learning theory, this project applies music engineering, mechanics and cybernetics, embedded system, adaptive learning, assessment, and resources management, learning theory and evaluation, and digital content design techniques to build an Interactive Learning Toy and System for Digital Music Composition, which can provide children with a adaptive e-learning system to learn the knowledge of music creation by means of adaptive learning guidance, construct the knowledge and understand the miss concepts by means of real operation, get happiness by means of interaction with toy, and have the satisfaction and achievement by means of share with companion. The entire project consists of three sub-projects: .. Subproject 1: Development and Implementation of Interactive Learning Toy and Mechanism for Digital Music Composition: develops a cute style toy, whose head and limbs can do many actions according to the music style children creates, for the purpose of learning by playing. In addition, it can be played with or without computer. The stored music style and tone can be changed by means of changing the parameter setting. .. Subproject 2: Development and Implementation of Adaptive Learning System for Digital Music Composition: develops an adaptive learning system and digital music composition software, where teachers can design the learning activities of digital music course to provide children with adaptive learning guidance. Moreover, by means of the music composition software, children can understand their miss concepts during the operation and get the appropriate remedy learning activities from the learning system for achieving the purposes of Doing by Learning and Learning by Making. Also, the created digital music will trigger the toy subproject 1 develops to dance for inspiring the learning interest of children. .. Subproject 3: Analysis and Evaluation on Interactive Learning Toy for Digital Music Composition: analyzes and evaluates the learning performance by means of the learning toy and designed learning activities. This project uses case study approach and project based collaborative learning activity to investigate the learning mode and performance for children without and with cognitive disabilities from age 9 to 16. Through this research result, we hope to provide digital learning domain with a novel learning mode integrating game and learning. Also, this learning mode can be used for not only children in junior high and elementary schools, but also ones with cognitive disabilities.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2524-S009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88475
Appears in Collections:Research Plans