標題: 寬頻微波接取技術---總計畫
Broadband Microwave Access Techniques
作者: 孟慶宗
關鍵字: 寬頻;微波;天線;濾波器;耦合器;射頻積體電路;微波單晶積體電路;ADI-FDTD;後設材質;緩波;地彈雜訊;Broadband;microwave;antenna;filter;coupler;MMIC;RFIC;ADI-FDTD;metamaterial;slow-wave;ground bounce
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 為研發寬頻微波接取技術,因應時代潮流無線寬頻通訊的發展,將技術轉入實際 應用,讓寬頻無線通訊系統得以運行在既存無線通訊系統中。包含研發適用於次世代 無線通訊系統之寬頻印刷式天線、多層印刷電路板立體式寬頻微波濾波器與耦合器之 開發與製作、關鍵寬頻矽製程單晶微波積體電路、建立ADI-FDTD 模擬平台探討後設 物質於行動裝置應用、微波電路中之電磁干擾抑制研究。本總計畫之內容目標符合國 科會電信工程學門寬頻無線系統重點規劃主題的(A)射頻微波及毫米波電路與系統(子 計劃一、二、三) (B) 電磁散射、干擾、相容及軟體發展及模擬技術(子計劃四、五)。 本總計畫集合國立交通大學在微波領域頂尖人才,發展寬頻、高性能、尺寸縮小、低 成本之零組件,並以全體整合,來展現設計完成之寬頻為波接取機之性能。研究重點 在於寬頻微波接取技術,發展寬頻、高頻、高傳輸效能之電路,不侷限於一般商用規 格,但為了展示全體整合之效能,將以超寬頻UWB 系統為平台,來整合各子計畫之 元件成寬頻無線前端微波系統。
Broadband microwave access techniques are studied in this project. The broadband wireless communication will be brought into our daily lives in the near future. This project includes the development of broadband printed antennas, multi-layer PCB broadband microwave filters and couplers, key silicon-based MMIC for next-generation broadband wireless communication systems. Moreover, the ADI-FDTD electromagnetic simulation engine, the metamaterial research and the electromagnetic interference suppression techniques for microwave circuit design are also established. The goal of the entire project matches the main research topics supported by the National science council. The first three subprojects fall in the category—Radio Frequency, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems—, while the last two subprojects meet the category—EMI, EMC and EM Simulation Techniques. This project brings all the outstanding scholars in the microwave area of the National Chiao Tung University to develop all the broadband wireless front end components. The ultra-wideband (UWB) system will be used as a demo platform for the whole project at the end of the third year.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2221-E009-040-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88738
Appears in Collections:Research Plans