標題: 汽機車駕駛訓練之學科課程規劃、教材編製與筆試題庫設計1/3)
Curriculum Planning, Course Material and Test Item Designs for The Driver and Motorcyclist Education and Licensing Programs (1/3)
作者: 張新立
Chang, Hsin-Li
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 良好之駕駛執照考驗制度不但可以導引優良駕駛訓練機構之設立,更能透過考試內容之規劃及訓練項目之規範,而讓汽、機車駕駛人在正式上路駕車時均能具備安全駕駛車輛應有之技能與知識、風險感認、及事故預防之相關觀念。本研究基於重新檢討並改造我國駕駛人培育及駕照核發制度之需要,擬從汽、機車駕駛教育之目標著手,透國內外相關文獻之蒐集、分析與比較,輔以相關之問卷調查,以確認汽、機車駕駛訓練在全民交通安全教育上之功能定位,繼而透過駕照考驗之學、術科測驗項目規劃與設計,引導駕駛訓練教材之編撰、測驗題庫之建立、及教學與訓練方法之開發。最後更透過駕駛教育與訓練成效之追蹤與考評機制之建立,持續進行長時間之觀察,並作動態式之修正與調整,以因應快速變遷之交通環境的需要。 關鍵詞:駕駛訓練、駕照考驗、機車、小客車、交通安全、測驗理論
A good driver licensing program will lead the development of well-performed training institutions and created well-educated drivers for the society. This study is conducted to review the performance and effectiveness of driver education and licensing programs in Taiwan and try to redesign the test items for diver license examination. We start this project by identifying the objective and mission of driver licensing and training programs through reviewing the driver education and licensing programs of modern countries such as Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, etc., as well as interviewing some experts of driving education. Then, the curriculums required for the driver education program and the test items for license examination will be planned based on the identified objectives and missions of driver education and licensing programs. Key words: Driving education, Driver licensing, Automobile, Motorcycle, Traffic safety, Item response theory
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-96-SEB009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88895


  1. RRPG96030469.pdf

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