標題: 應用於平面顯示設備電源系統數位式電源控制驅動IC之研製與IP智權庫發展計畫---整合可規劃硬體於功因修正電路模組之晶片化控制器設計與實現
Design and Implementation of Monolithic Integrated Controller for Power-Factor-Correction Modules Using Programmable Hardware
作者: 陳鴻祺
Chen Hung-Chi
關鍵字: 晶片化控制器;可規劃硬體;功率因素修正;Monolithic Integrated Controller;Programmable Hardware;Power Factor Correction
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本三年計畫主要研究為針對大範圍輸出電壓變化需求,具有交流輸入側功因校正與並聯均流功能之模組化主動功因修正電路轉換器研究,除進行相關電路、不穩定現象、無電流回授控制與並聯均流控制研究以外,並特別以整合可規畫硬體晶片實現方式,如整合現場可規畫邏輯陣列.等,設計與實現控制器。 與主計畫及其他子計畫相互整合關係上,本子計畫著重於利用現場可規畫硬體(FPGA、FPAA、PSOC)方式,完成晶片化控制器雛型設計、模擬、實現與驗證,未來並由其他計劃接手實際電路佈局設計與應用,進行控制器實體晶片開發。 本研究計畫共計三年,各階段研究摘要分述於後: 第一年:DSP-Based主動式功因修正電路實現與狀態平均方法修正 本階段主要針對三方面資料進行整理與研究。第一為滿足轉換器功能需求規格下,針對可能之電路組態及模組化控制架構資料進行收集研究,從中選定本計畫未來所採用之主電路組態,及可模組化控制架構,加以初步模擬、分析驗證。第二為針對相關以晶片方式實現控制器資料進行收集研究,並決定控制架構各方塊之數位或類比實現方式分工。第三,修正狀態平均方法,使之可適用於如PFC電路具大信號週期性變化輸入之應用場合。 第二年:設計與實現晶片化無電流感測控制架構 針對第一年度初步驗證之模組化控制架構,先完成以DSP方式實現,除驗證外,可作為接下來晶片化實現之對照使用。接下來設計與發展無電流感測控制技術,先於電路模擬軟體驗證,並於DSP控制環境中實現,再根據現場可規畫陣列晶片(FPGA/FPAA)提供之可規劃基本晶片單元功能,加以組合、模擬與持續驗證,並以可規畫晶片化實現方式實現控制器,實際量測其輸入與輸出波形,以驗證所提之單相高功因單模組晶片化控制器設計。本階段將根據所提出的單相無電流控制架構,進行晶片化控制器設計實現,將著重於特定功能硬體電路的設計、改善與最佳化精簡。 第三年:設計實現多模組均流控制架構與不穩定現象探究 根據第二年度開發完成之晶片化無電流感測控制架構,修改其介面與增加部分通訊電路,使之可適用於多模組並聯控制用途。同樣先以DSP實作環境驗證,驗證其並聯操作下之正確性,接下來再以可規劃晶片方式加以實現與驗證。同時,本年度也擬針對該控制架構下之不穩定現象探究,以便實際運用上能加以避免或改善。
The main purpose of this three-year project is the design and development of AC-DC modules with function of active power-factor-correction and current-sharing to meet the requirement of wide-range output voltages. The other topics also include the current sensorless control and the programmable-hardware-based implementations. This project is focused on the use of programmable hardware including field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA)、field-programmable-analog-array (FPAA) and programmable system-on-chip (PSOC) to demonstrate and implement the monolithic integrated controller for AC-DC Modules. Then, the final IC layout will be finished by the other projects in the integrated project. To achieve this goal, the research works are arranged as follows: First Year: Implementation of DSP-Based Active Power Factor Correction and Modification of State-Average Method There are three issues in this year. The first one is the study on the possible circuit topologies from the collected references, and then, the adopted topology and controller will be analyzed, implemented and demonstrated in the DSP-based environment. The second issue is the survey of cooperation of digital and analog blocks to implement the programmable-hardware-based modular controller. The modification of state-average method is the final issue to make it suited for the large-scale inputs with periodic variation. Second Year: Design and Implementation of Current Sensorless Control Based on the modified state-average method, the current sensorless control will be proposed, analyzed and initially demonstrated in the simulation. Then, the sensorless controller will be implemented and practically demonstrated by using DSP-based configuration. Finally, the current sensorless control will be implemented in the programmable-hardware-based circuit with the optimization of the configurable digital and analog blocks. Third Year: Design and Implementation of Current Sharing Control and the Study on the Circuit Uncertainty To meet the parallel operation, the developed programmable-hardware-based monolithic integrated controller will be extracted by adding interface circuit and some handshaking signals. Then, the modified controller will be first implemented and practically demonstrated by using DSP-based configuration and finally, will be implemented in the configurable digital and analog blocks. Besides, the circuit uncertainty with the current sensorless control will be studied and avoided in the operation.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2221-E009-247
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89025