Title: 聶斯特的《往年紀事》譯注計畫 (Nestor,《Povest'' vremennykh let》, the Early 12-th Century)
Nestor,《Povest" Vremennykh Let》, the Early 12-Th Century
Authors: 陳仁姮
Chen Jen-heng
Keywords: 往年紀事;聶斯特;東歐文化;俄羅斯史;俄國歷史學;Russian Primary Chronicle;Nestor;Eastern European culture;history of Russia;Russian historiography.
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 聶斯特的《往年紀事》(Nestor,《Povest』vremennykh let》,十二世紀初)是保留至今,年 代最久遠的古俄編年史,以教會斯拉夫文撰寫,詳細記錄東斯拉夫民族文化起源。《往年紀 事》對於研究東歐民族文化、俄國史學史、西洋中古史等領域都是不可或缺的重要史料。第 一本英文翻譯於1930 年問世;1994 年首次中文翻譯(簡體)在中國大陸出版。 本計畫執行的工作內容是翻譯這部經典史籍,並撰寫導讀,預計兩年完成。將採俄國 1996 年最新出版文本翻譯,同樣主要以勞倫特編年史(Lavrent』evskaia letopis』) 的內容為主, 增加其他編年史的補述做為附錄。翻譯過程中將向國內相關學門的專家學者請益。「導讀」 將包含近現代歷史學對《往年紀事》的研究成果,也提出這部經典對史料編纂的影響。《往 年紀事》因結構清楚完整、詞句優雅流暢,也兼具文學作品特質。翻譯成中文,不僅有益國 內對東歐文化的研究、教學,也有助於國人對東歐民族深一層認識。
The Russian Primary Chronicle by Nestor (Nestor, 「Povest』 vremennykh let」) is the most ancient Russian chronicle in existence. Written in Old Church Slavonic, the work is the explicit historical source on Eastern Slav peoples and culture. Primary Chronicle cannot be ignored when carrying out a research on the cultures of Eastern European countries, a historiography of Russia or a history of the European Middle Ages. The Chronicle was translated into English for the first time in 1930. The first Chinese translation was completed in 1994 in People』s Republic ofChina (simplified characters). The proposed project implies performing a translation of Primary Chronicle into Chinese and supplying it with an author』s introduction; completion of thework is estimated to take two years. The work to be translated is the most recent Russian edition, published in 1996. As most of the researchers agree, Laurentian Chronicle (Lavrent』evskaya letopis』) will be considered the key part of the Chronicle while other parts of the work will also be included as supplement. The author of the project hopes for the help and cooperation of other researches in the nation. As for the introduction, it will include the results of the most recent work on the problem under discussion performed by scientists, and will also cover the influence Primary Chronicle has had on the compilation of other historical writings. Due to its clear composition and excellent phrasing, the Chronicle is also considered to be an outstanding literary work. Translating it into Chinese will not only benefit national research and educational work on Eastern European culture, but will also allow citizens a deeper understanding of Eastern European peoples.
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2420-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89834
Appears in Collections:Research Plans