Title: 自由基對化學與含螢光基團芳杯之合成與主客化學
Radical Pair Chemsitry and the Synthesis and Host Guest Chemistry of Fluorophore Containing Calix[4]arenes
Authors: 鍾文聖
Keywords: 自由基對;自由基捕捉;光化學;電子順磁共振光譜;主客化學;芳杯化合物;螢光淬息;金屬萃取;X-光單晶解析;Radical Pairs;Spin Trapping;Photochemistry;EPR.;Host-Guest Chemistry;Calixarenes;Fluorescence Quenching;Metal Extraction;X-ray Single Crystal Analysis
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 計畫分兩大部分,第一部分是自由基對化學,第二部分則是含螢光基團的芳杯與雙
未來一年我們期望陸續合成雙.咯衍生物14, 15 及咪唑化合物17-20,這些化合物
Plots)、以及低溫介質霍氏紅外光譜(與本系李遠鵬教授合作)。低溫X-ray 的晶體解析,
兩位教授合作)。另外,化合物17a-d 的原料將由中山大學周金興教授提供。我們也將
針對triazoles 16a-c 進行加熱及照光裂解反應,過程中將加入各種烯類及自由基捕捉試
劑(MNP, DMPO),期望能捕捉到反應的雙自由基中區物(請參考表C012 第5 頁)。
第二部分,合成上緣或下緣含Isoxazolines 以及Isoxazoles 螢光基團的芳杯與雙芳杯
化合物及其主客化學研究,包含化合物25-28, 35-38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 以及52-54,至少有
十五大類型的不同組合。針對其中的Isoxazolines (25, 26)以及Isoxazoles(27, 28)化合物
酮的芳杯。開環反應將嘗試多種不同試劑,例如Raney Ni, H2/Pt, Mo(CO)6。
This project includes two major parts: the first part is the study of radical pair
chemistry and the second part is the synthesis of isoxazolines and Isoxazoles appended
calix[4]arenes and their applications in host guest chemistry.
In the following year, we shall complete the synthesis of bispyrroles 14 and 15 and
imidazoles 17-20. These compounds are excellent precursors for mono- (triplet), bis-
(quintet) and tri-radical pairs (septet); and their structures are shown below:
After completing the synthesis of these compounds, we shall take their EPR spectra after
photolyzing them for some time. Curie Plots and matrix isolated FTIR (in collaborate with
Prof. Lee, Y.-P.) will also be studied. Low temperature X-ray single crystal analysis as well
as the analysis after photolysis will provide the most crucial evidences for this radical pair
research. This will be collaborated with Prof. Wang, Y. (National Taiwan University) and Yu,
C.-H (National Tsing Hua University). Furthermore, the precursors for triarylimidazoles
17a-d will be provided by Prof. Chou, C.-H of National Sun Yat-Sen University. We shall
study the pyrolysis and photochemical trapping of triazoles (16a-c) with various olefins and
spin trapping agents (MNP or DMPO) in the hope that biradical intermediates can be trapped
(cf. p. 5 of C012).
The second part is the synthesis of multifunctional calix[4]arenes by the ring opening
reactions of isoxazolines, isoxazoles, and heterocycles appended calix[4]arenes. This
includes the syntheses of at least 15 types of compounds (25-28, 35-38, 44, 45, 47, 48, and
52-54). Ring-opening reactions on the isoxazolines (25 and 26) and isoxazoles (27 and 28)
appended calix[4]arenes should provide us various useful multifunctional derivatives such as
beta-amino ketones and beta-hydroxy ketones. Ring-opening reactions will be using (1)
Raney Ni, (2) H2/Pt, and (3) Mo(CO)6.
After completing the syntheses of these host molecules, we shall explore their
application as molecular or ion sensors. Standard methods used in the host-guest chemistry
will be carried out for the screening of these novel hosts; and the methods include: UV/vis,
steady-state, and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, 1H- and 13C NMR spectroscopy.
Finally, X-ray single crystal analysis of these host molecules will be tried whenever possible.
Gov't Doc #: NSC94-2113-M009-009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89955
Appears in Collections:Research Plans