Title: 兩岸共同合作重點項目(三):高效率高分子太陽能電池研發-界面及元件工程
Study on the high performance polymer solar cells-Interfacial and device engineering
Authors: 許千樹
Keywords: 共軛高分子;有機太陽能電池;光電轉換效率;conjugated polymers;organic photovoltaic;power conversion efficiency
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本計畫最終目標是要達到9%能量轉換效率之高分子太陽能電池,計畫內容包括材 料合成、界面及元件工程。大陸方面著重於低能隙共軛高分子之合成,合成出寬吸收、 高遷移率、合適能級的具有較高太陽電池光電轉換效率的聚合物材料,內容包括(1)“給 體-π-受體"型含芴單元的共軛聚合物的合成 (2)“給體-π-受體"型含喹喔啉類共軛聚 合物的合成 (3) 給體-π-受體"型含菲啶共軛聚合物的合成 (4)“給體-π-受體"型含有 醯亞胺單體的共軛聚合物。本研究團隊負責界面及元件工程,界面工程方面包括引進主 動層/電極間緩衝層,以及添加金奈米粒子誘導表面電漿共振,以增加光吸收等,元件工 程方面包括設計及製備(1)正型結構有機太陽能電池(2)負型結構有機太陽能電池(3)多層 串疊型有機太陽能電池,以各式的製程條件來達到元件的優化及長期穩定性。
The goal of this study is aimed to achieve a high performance polymer solar cell with a power conversion efficiency higher than 9 %. This project includes material synthesis, interfacial and device engineering. The Mainland China team will focus on the synthesis of donor-acceptor type conjugated polymers, which includes (a) the fluorene-based conjugated polymers, (b) quinoxazine based conjugated polymers, (c) phenanthridine based conjugated polymers and (d) phthalimide based conjugated polymers. Our team will focus on the study of device engineering including interfacial modification with active/electrodes spacer and surface Plasmon enhancement by gold nano-particles to improve the light absorption and device stability. We use the materials provided by Mainland China team, to fabricate normal solar cell, inverted solar cell as well as tandem solar cell. All the design of new device architecture and interfacial modification are aimed to maximize the performance and improve long-term stability of the devices.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2119-M009-005-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90047
Appears in Collections:Research Plans