Title: 園區半導體製造業廢氣處理及排放調查研究
Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control in the Sbip Semiconductor Wafer Industry
Authors: 白曛綾
Keywords: 半導體工業;晶圓代工及製造;空氣污染;空氣污染防治設施;Semiconductor industry;Wafer processing;Air pollution;Air pollution devices
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 半導體工業為我國產業中最蓬勃發展之工業,在國內之產值日益提高下,國科會新竹科學園區管理局亦非常重視其所可能潛在發生污染之預防,因此本計畫之目的,即在於針對新竹科學園區內之半導體製造業工廠,進行其空氣污染防治設施之績效評估調查。 本計畫將先進行空氣污染防效指標之設計研擬工作,再與園區內之晶圓代工及記憶體製造廠進行績效指標之確認工作,同時並向各廠及園區管理局取得相關之基本資料。在確認空氣污染防治績效,並計算得各廠之績效指標值後,即同時進行各指標值統計分析工作,以及篩選現場訪查之代表性工廠。最後在完成工廠現場訪查後,即可依據各廠之績效指標值計算值,以及具代表工廠現場訪查結果,評估園區內之晶圓代工及記憶體製造業之空氣污染設備之整體與個別績效。 本計畫完成後,將可作為未來科學園區管理局在進行工廠輔導時,建議可行之污染改善方法之依據。
The semi-conductor industry is one of the most progressive industry in the Science Based Industrial Park (SBIP) with outstanding technology and profits achievements. While the net profits are continuously growing, the National Science Council as well as the Science Park Administration are devoting efforts to prevent the emission of environmental pollutants. The purpose of this project is to investigate the performance of air pollution control devices and strategies in the SBIP semi-conductor industry. The objective factories of this investigation will be focused on the wafer production plants and IC foundries. The study procedures of this project are to develop indexes for evaluating the performance of each foundry's air pollution control strategies and devices, to establish the index values of each plant, and to select representative plants of major processes. Then an on-site evaluation of the plant's air pollution control achievements will also be conducted. The overall as well as individual plant's performance can therefore be evaluated. The results of this study can be used as baseline data for improving each plant's air pollution control achievement.
Gov't Doc #: NSCSIPA88189LRD07
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90119
Appears in Collections:Research Plans