標題: 事故衝擊下微觀車流行為模式
A Microscopic Incident-Induced Traffic Behavior Model
作者: 許鉅秉
關鍵字: 事故車流模式;微觀交通行為;車流理論;Incident-induced traffic modeling;traffic flow theories;microscopic simulation
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 事故發生不但產生不尋常之道路衝擊,更嚴重干擾車道內與車道間之車流行為,造 成原交通系統不穩定現象;而此一系統不穩定現象,不但影響已發展之相關車流行為模 式應用時之合理性,更可能造成其他交通管理與控制策略之運作績效。據此可知:事故 車流行為模式之發展於「車流理論」及其他相關領域中之重要性。然而環顧國內外相關 文獻發現,目前所發展的市區道路車流模擬模式多未涵蓋事故車流行為;國外大型模擬 器所提供的事故模擬功能,亦多未經實地校估與驗證,而是逕以一般車流行為進行事故 車流行為之模擬與應用,其可靠度亦值得存疑。故本研究擬以微觀方式探討事故車流行 為特性,再構建適用於市區道路事故之車流模擬模式。本模式模擬範圍為連續或單一的 直角相交路口,採用二時相定時號誌,可處理大型車與小型車混合車流。車流模擬由路 段車流行為與路口車流行為兩部分銜接。路段車輛推進,以一般跟車行為、事故煞車行 為與變換車道行為處理;而變換車道決策因素,包含『轉因因素』、『前方車隊速率影響』、 『事故因素』與『前方車隊變換車道影響』四項。路口直行車輛沿用路段車輛推進方式, 以橢圓軌跡推進路口左轉與右轉車輛,而以『固定軌跡固定衝突點』方式處理路口直行 與左轉車輛衝突行為。建立路段單車道與多車道事故變換車道邏輯,與路口事故轉向軌 跡修正模式,即完成市區道路事故發生車流行為模擬模式;可模擬單一或連續路口中, 路段單車道或多車道事故與路口事故。此外,並將以實際事故錄影資料,驗證模擬單一 路口上游路段單車道事故之狀況,證實模擬結果可有效反應實際事故車流狀況。而對於 單一或連續路口內路段單車道或多車道事故與路口事故的測試結果,亦將證實模擬結果 合理性。將模式應用於衝擊指標AK 與WT 分析,研究結果也支持過去文獻結論。模式 後續除可應用於事故衝擊指標之建立或即時應變事故之號誌控制系統等研究,亦期將有 助於事故偵測與管理領域之發展。而未來研究如能順利取得國內事故資料,參考本研究 所提出的事故模擬模式架構,再加入機車、公車、行人等修正內容,將可快速建立本土 化的事故車流模擬模式。
Investigation of incident-induced lane traffic maneuvers is vital to address non-recurrent traffic congestion problems in urban areas, and related research appears to be significantly inadequate in such fields as traffic flow prediction, traffic simulation, and incident management. This paper presents a microscopic simulation approach to analyzing the inter-lane and intra-lane traffic maneuvers under conditions of arterial lane-blocking incidents. Through reviewing previous literature relevant to car-following and lane-changing models, we attempt to propose a microscopic traffic behavior module, which involves the models of intra-lane and inter-lane traffic maneuvers to address the issues remaining in the previously developed models for the cases of arterial lane-blocking incidents. This is followed by the development of a specific microscopic simulation framework, which embeds the proposed incident-induced inter-lane and intra-lane traffic behavior models. To assess the validity of the proposed approach, a specific microscopic traffic simulation program coded with the C language will be developed and tested using the video-based incident data. In addition, the output of the simulation results will also be compared with that generated from the Paramics microscopic traffic simulator to demonstrate the potential advantages of the proposed incident-induced lane traffic behavior models for the use of simulation. We expect that the proposed methodology is applicable not only in understanding the phenomena of incident-induced inter-lane and intra-lane traffic characteristics for traffic prediction and simulation but also in developing advanced traffic control and management systems.
官方說明文件#: NSC94-2416-H009-019
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90394
Appears in Collections:Research Plans