標題: 先進車輛控制及安全系統之設計與模擬---總計畫---先進車輛控制及安全系統之設計與模擬(I)
Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems-Design and Simulation(I)
作者: 李祖添
關鍵字: 先進安全車輛;智慧型控制;主動式懸吊系統;防鎖死剎車系統;影像即時辨識系統;自動跟車系統;Advanced Vehicles;Intelligent Control;Active Suspension;Anti-lock Braking System;Real-Time Foreground Image Recognition System;Car-Following System
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 近幾年來,隨著經濟的快速發展,機動車輛已成為國民生活上移動之主要交通工具,也成為實現富裕之社會環境、發展經濟活動、文化活動中不可或缺之現代社會產物。根據內政部警政署統計,歷年來台灣地區每年因交通事故而死亡的人數皆維持在三千人左右,而受傷人數亦在三千人左右,這些交通事故不僅造成個人及家庭的負擔,更是社會有限醫療資源及國家生產力的損失,同時也說明了對於先進安全車輛的重要性與需求的急迫性。所以,本計畫積極地尋求如何將先進的科技運用在車輛上以提昇車輛行駛時的安全性,以求能夠減少事故以及傷亡的發生,本計畫將以車上網路系統(CAN Bus網路)來連絡與監控各相關子系統的信號傳輸,達到汽車行車安全控制,其中本計畫所考慮的子系統有:懸吊繫統(子計畫一)、煞車系統(子計畫二)、前景影像即時辨識系統(子計畫三)和跟車系統(子計畫四),用以建構一套先進車輛控制及安全系統。
This is the group project of 「Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems-Design and Simulation」. Due to ever increasing traffic on the roads, the tendency that the drivers face tough, complicated situations is increasing. Therefore, built-in driver support systems to assist the drivers in hazardous situations are of utmost importance. In this research, we shall focus on the study of some key technologies of advanced vehicle control and safety systems. The group project consists of four subprojects as: 1. Reliable Controller Design for Intelligent Active Suspension Systems of Advance Vehicle 2. Dynamic Optimal Slip Ratio Measurement and Intelligent Control for Anti-lock Braking Systems to Track Dynamic Optimal Slip Ratio 3. A Study and Implementation of Advanced Vehicle Real-Time Foreground Image Recognition System Based on Moving Object Image Detection Technology 4. High-reliable Car-Following Control System Design In this two year group project, the effectiveness of the developed subsystems shall be verified by the simulated and experimental results.
官方說明文件#: NSC94-2213-E009-125
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90583


  1. 942213E009125.PDF

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