標題: 漁產品產銷履歷資訊建置與整合
Implementation of a Computer-Integrated Fish Products Tracing System
作者: 張永佳
Yung-Chia Chang
關鍵字: 產銷履歷系統;網路服務;工作日誌系統;養殖場;Traceability System;Web Service;Daily Work Recording System;Fish Farm
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本計畫的目標在建置漁產品產銷履歷系統。此產銷履歷系統主要由兩個子系統組成。一個子系統包含各養殖場的漁產品監控資訊系統。另一個子系統則是透過網路服務技術將這些資訊系統整合在一起。由於有些養殖場沒有資訊系統,本計畫將用工作日誌系統取代。總結之,本計畫的兩主要工作項目是開發此工作日誌系統及網路服務系統。
The goal of this project is to implement a computer-integrated fish products tracing system. The tracing system essentially consists of two subsystems. One involves various fish-monitoring information systems at fish farms. The other is to integrate the information systems through web service technology. In case of some fish farms without information systems, the project will use daily work recording systems instead. In summary, two major tasks in this project are to develop the daily work recording system and the web service system.
官方說明文件#: 94農科-7.1.2-漁-F3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90812


  1. RRPG94111028.pdf

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