標題: 全像術成像系統與非對稱菲涅爾鏡片的光學設計平台之研發(I)
Optical Designs of Hologram Imaging and Hybrid Fresnel Lens and Design Platform Development(I)
作者: 陳志隆
關鍵字: 全像術;繞射鏡片;菲涅爾鏡片;非對稱菲涅爾鏡片;最佳化分析;公差容忍度分析;光學設計;hologram;diffractive lens;Fresnel lens;hybrid Fresnel lens;optimization analysis;tolerance analysis;optical design
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 這個計畫有兩個課題,一在發展全像術成像的設計平台,可以進行最佳化與公差容忍度分析,委外製作全像片,再加以實驗驗證,以確認設計平台的可信度。另一個研發課題是發展非對稱菲涅爾鏡片(hybrid Fresnel lens)的設計平台,可以進行最佳化與公差容忍度分析,並委外製作鏡片,再加以實驗驗證,以確認設計平台的可信度。
This project is comprised of two separated parts of research and development, while the main goal is to have design platform such that optimization analysis and tolerance analysis can be carried over on the platform efficiently. The first one is to develop the design platform for hologram imaging. The second one is to develop the hybrid Fresnel lens. Experimental verifications are also scheduled to ensure the reliability of design platform..
官方說明文件#: NSC93-2215-E009-057
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91117
Appears in Collections:Research Plans