標題: 極軟弱年輕砂頁岩層之力學行為---子計畫II:極軟弱岩石之力學性質與行為
The Mechanical Properties and Behaviors of Very Soft Rocks
作者: 廖志中
關鍵字: 卓蘭層;頭嵙山層;砂岩;頁岩;砂頁岩互層;指標性質;力學性質強度破壞準則;組合律模式;Cholan formation;Toukoshan formation;Sandstone;Shale;Interbed of sandstone and shale;Index property;Mechanical property;Failure criteria;Constitutive models
公開日期: 2000
官方說明文件#: NSC89-2211-E009-038
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91296
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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