Title: 多層印刷電路板地彈雜訊問題研究
Investigation of Ground Bounce Problems in Multilayer PCB
Authors: 吳霖?
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 地彈雜訊乃高性能電腦與通訊系統設計和分析上的一個重要議題。本研究將專注於 下列三個先前被忽略的議題的探討:(1)實心銅箔電源層與接地層厚度效應,(2)於銅 箔表面塗敷薄層磁性導體,如鎳或鋼,的效應,以及(3)去藕合電容安裝結構的寄生 效應。為納入非理想導體與介質材料參數的色散現象,本計畫擬結合頻域有限差分法與 表面阻抗邊界條件作為分析技巧。
Ground bounce represents one of the most important issues in the design and analysis of high performance computer and communication systems. This research will focus on the investigation of the following issues which have previously been ignored: (1) the effect of the finite thickness of solid copper power-ground plane pair, (2) the effect of coating the copper with a thin layer of magnetic conductor such as nickel or steel, and (3) the effect of mounting structure of decoupling capacitor. To account for the dispersive (frequency-dependent) nature of imperfect conductor and dielectric, an analysis method based on the combination of frequency-domain finite-difference (FDFD) technique and thickness-dependent surface impedance boundary condition is proposed.
Gov't Doc #: NSC93-2213-E009-096
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91417
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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