DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLIU YU-TUNGen_US
dc.description.abstract設計媒材的發展歷史中,實體模型解決了二維圖面在處理設計上的不足;電腦模型解決 了實體模型無法充分地傳達抽像設計概念的缺點,新的設計媒材的出現,解決了舊媒材 無法掌握的設計問題,同時,新媒材的出現也經常引發新的建築形式,電腦模型的出現 便造就了目前正在發展的自由形體建築,象徵著設計者藝術般的抽像概念被實現,然 而,實體的自由形體建築是否與施工前的設計概念相符? 本研究透過以下簡單的先期實驗,以問卷的方式,調查現有的設計媒材(包含2D 圖面、 3D 實體模型、3D 電腦模型、電腦彩現視覺模擬圖)對自由形體所呈現的空間感是否與 實際空間所呈現的空間感相符合,經過結果的統計分析,答案是否定的,因此本研究初 步確認電腦模型與彩現模擬圖無法充分傳達設計者的設計概念。回顧過去媒材歷史的發 展,當舊媒材無法掌握設計問題的時候,就必須依賴新媒材來解決。目前在設計領域所 研發的各種新媒材科技當中,虛擬實境的應用已逐漸普及化,但目前大部分應用在建築 的研究都只是侷限於傳統建築設計的模擬,而很少將虛擬實境應用在自由形體設計的議 題上。因此,本研究將探討虛擬實境模擬器是否能改善電腦媒材目前在自由形體設計上 無法充分傳達設計概念的問題? 設計者在從事自由形體設計時也經常忽略了室內空間給人的感覺,甚至連設計者自己也 不知道這室內空間在建造完成後,會是什麼樣的狀況。透過虛擬實境模擬器相當細緻且 近乎真實的視覺效果,幫助我們更容易掌握自由形體的設計,藉由設計與人的互動性, 探討空間幻覺與設計方法的關聯性。有了虛擬實境模擬器,我們嘗試將它與自由形體設 計結合,透過這項新設備,來體驗設計者所不熟悉的自由形體室內空間經驗。在設計的 各個階段皆以虛擬實境空間模擬器進行模擬,每個設計方案都有模擬的必要性,並全程 紀錄設計的發展過程,最後彙整資料作出結論與分析。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs can be seen from this very brief history of the design media, the use of physical models eradicated some of the limitations of 2D drawings; and in the same way digital models make it possible to express abstract design concepts to which the physical model is unable to give expression (Lin, 2002). New design media have been able to solve design problems that conventional media were unable to solve. At the same time, new design media also greatly influenced architectural form (Liu and Eisenman 2001). For example, digital models can make visible free-form space, and in so doing realize the abstract conceptions of the designer. However, the question as to whether or not free-form space can actually serve as the original design concept remains an unanswered question. This study — which includes an experiment and questionnaires — examined an array of design media, including 2D drawings, three dimensional (3D) physical models, 3D digital models and computer renderings, to determine whether or not they are able to serve as fully accurate representations of free-form space. A series of statistical analyses established that such models were in fact unable to do this. Thus, the study established that digital models and computer renderings could not give complete expression to the designer』s concept. As is shown by the history of the design media, when conventional methods are unable to solve design problems, the only solution is to make use of new design technology. Recently, the use of VR has gradually been increasing used in design process. However most of these applications focus on conventional design simulation, and seldom make use of this technology to deal with the issue of free-form space. This study examines the issue of whether or not VR CAVE has the potential to overcome the limitations of computer renderings in respect to free-form space and thus give full expression to the conceptions of the designer. It is possible that the use of a computer monitor — to render images made by computer models — is not appropriate in respect to certain types of measurements and spaces. The VR CAVE system provided effective simulations in this respect, and offered architects a natural interface through which to navigate. It was able to affect spatial judgments and generally acted to make substantial changes in the computer-generated environment. The designers who have worked with VR CAVE have been able to experience these effects at first hand. The study addresses the problems concerning the limitations of digital models and computer rendering, and explores the possibility of the design process in respect to free-form space design through the use of VR CAVE technology.en_US
dc.titleAn Application of VR-Cave in the Free---Form Design Processesen_US


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