標題: 以光達、差分雷達、及空照產製數值高程模型及數值覆蓋模型研究
On the Construction of Digital Elevation Model and Digital Surface Model with Lidar, InSAR, and Aerial Photos
作者: 史天元
關鍵字: 地形測量;影像相關;交叉比對;最近搜尋;topographic survey;image matching;cross validation;nearest neighbor searching
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 以類比、解析、或數位立體製圖儀,使用立體空照像對繪製線形圖、等高線、及錄製 高程點,為目前大面積地形測量之主要作業型態。隨同儀器之發展,尤其是GPS 與INS 之結合,數值高程模型及數值覆蓋模型之產製,亦有了新的作業方式。其中、光達採 用主動式雷射光進行高速掃瞄測距,差分雷達則應用雷達干涉之原理產生干涉條紋進 而求解高差,為目前最具應用價值者。除了新儀器所導致之新作業方法外,沿用立體 製圖之原理,應用立體空照像對作業方式亦已有較諸1980 年代及1990 年代初期,有 許多自動化之發展。除了作業流程之自動化,IKONOS 及QuickBird 之順利運作,亦使 高空間解析度之衛星影像提供另一立體像對之來源。 本研究擬以此三種作業方式,探討其所生成之數值高程模型及數值覆蓋模型之特性。 在立體像對繪製方面,使用衛星影像及兩種不同比例之空照,分別產製數值高程模型 及數值覆蓋模型。
Mapping with aerial photos, and utilizing analogue, analytical, or digital, stereo-plotters, is the primary operating method for the production of line maps, contours, and spot heights. Along with the advance of instruments, particularly the progress of the GPS and INS integration, there are new methods for the production of digital elevation model and digital surface model. Lidar uses laser beam for ranging with high pulse rate. InSAR uses active microwave for interference. The fringes are related to the terrain. After the unwrapping procedure, the height differences can be obtained from the fringes. Besides the new methods brought with new instruments, there are new image sources for the stereo-mapping, the high spatial resolution satellite images, such as those from IKONOS and QuickBird. For the stereo-mapping itself, automation has changed the work flow as well. In this study, the digital elevation model and digital surface model produced with Lidar, InSAR and stereo-photogrammetry, will be analyzed for their characteristics. Aerial photos of two different scales and a pair of satellite images will be used for comparison.
官方說明文件#: NSC93-2211-E009-038
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91492


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